5: Home

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The title of this chapter is called home. Home is a song sung by BTS themselves, but I used the title because I thought the word fitted as a title for this chapter. If any of the titles are the same as BTS song titles, please don't think it's because of the lyrics of the song. It's literally about the word itself.

I do paste the links of the song at the beginning of the chapter, so you can listen to it if you want, especially since it's a BTS song. I mean, who wouldn't want to listen to it. Anyways, that's it. Let's go on with the story! :)


Y/n's POV

It was the next day. I was feeling great, except for the amnesia part. The nurses have been taking care of me, and I was indeed ready to go home.

Just like he said, Tae came to pick me up from the hospital.

"Hey, Y/n! I got you some clothes to change into. Wear it and after that, we can go home." he said

"Oh, thank you, Tae." God, this guy is so thoughtful.

I walked into the bathroom to change into the clothes Tae brought for me. What the- The clothes he brought for me were from the brand Gucci! Is this boy rich or what!?

After I was done, I walked out of the bathroom and went toward Tae.

"Hey, I'm done. But are you okay with giving me these expensive clothes? I noticed they are from Gucci..."

He chuckled. His voice sounded so good while laughing.

"Don't worry about it. If you're wearing it, it's totally worth it." he told me.

Why is he such a nice person? If I actually did fall in love with him before, I can totally see why.

"Alright, since you're ready, let's go."

"Okay!" I responded.

We walked outside and got into Tae's car. He had a black, long car. I'm not good with cars, heh...

He started the car and after a few minutes, the silence got a little awkward. I took a glance at him. He was focused on the road. His veiny hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly. He looked so hot.

As if he could feel my eyes on him, he turned towards me for a second before looking back at the road. Shit, he caught me staring!

"Do you want to listen to some music maybe?" He suddenly asked.

"N-no, it's fine..." Oh, I was so embarrassed.

"Let me play some songs you like." We stopped at a red light. He connected his phone to the car and started playing a song.

"This song is so good!" I commented after hearing a bit of it.

"I know right? This is a song from a singer we both like, Bruno Mars." Wow, we even share the same music taste.

We kept listening to some songs and before I knew it, we arrived.

Tae got out of the car and walked over to my side to open the door for me. What a gentleman. I stepped out of the car and walked behind Tae, who was walking towards the front door.

He opened the door to let me enter. I stepped inside the house and got amazed by how good it looked inside. The interior looked classy and black-and- white.

It was very spacious and everything looked clean. Tae closed the door and walked towards another room.

"Come, this is our room." Holdup- OUR room?

"W-wait, what do you mean our room? Isn't this my house?" I asked him.

"Oh did I not tell you? After your parents died, you moved in with me." He explained.

I did? So that means, I live with him? Wow. I don't know how to feel about this, but I don't really have a choice, then to follow him. I don't have a place to go, except this one, after all.

"Is that so? Alright then, I guess... " I hesitantly said and walked towards the room.

"Here is the bathroom and in this closet, your clothes. You can go and freshen up if you want. Make yourself home, after all, this is your home. I need to go to work now, I'll be back in a few hours."

Great, I'm gonna be home alone now.

Wait, work! What does he do? What did I do?

"Work? What do you work for?" I asked him.

"I work as the CEO, of a clothing company."

CEO!? Damn, he really is rich.

"Do you know what I used to do?"

"Yes. You worked as a clothing designer at another company, but a few days before the accident, we decided you would come to work at my company since your old company failed and you wouldn't have a job anymore."

Okay, so I'm basically jobless too. Amazing.

"When do I start working?"

"You can start whenever you want, but I first need you to rest properly." He told me sweetly.

"Okay. Should I wait for you to come home before sleeping?"

"Oh, no no. You still need some rest, so you can go to sleep whenever you want. There is some food in the fridge which you can eat."


"Okay, I need to go now. Bye Y/n."

"Bye Tae."

Tae walked out of the house and I was left alone. I decided to take a nice bath first. I entered the bathroom and was amazed by how luxurious it looked. I set up a bath with bath bombs, some bubbles, and some candles I found in a cabinet.

After a good hour, I finally got out of the bathroom. I felt so refreshed. There were so many questions on my mind, but in the bath, all my questions just disappeared.

I put on some clothes, that were in the closet Tae showed me. They were comfy and just to my liking. My stomach was rumbling, so I decided to get something to eat.

I walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was full of food.

I took out some Chinese take-out and went to eat at the dining table. It was silent. I felt alone now. I was somehow already missing Taehyung's presence. I had so many questions regarding him, but I tried to believe, I can trust him. From the moment I woke up, he was with me. He's been so nice and helpful. There isn't a reason not to trust him. Right?

I finished my food. I didn't know what to do anymore, so I walked towards the living room to watch some tv. I turned it on and snuggled on the comfy couch.


Taehyung's POV

I finished work and got home. I unlocked the door and stepped inside my house. As I was taking off my shoes, I heard some voices from out of the living room. Whose voices are they? Did something happen when I wasn't home? Y/n. Where is she??


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