39: Zero O'clock

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Y/n's POV

I was in Tae's office sitting on his couch while playing a game on my phone, waiting for him to finish his work so we could go home together.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Tae asked the person who was standing on the other side of the door to come in.

The door opened and Ms. Jeannie walked in. Her expression was blank. I couldn't make out what she was thinking. I didn't expect her here now.

She noticed my presence and glanced at me but quickly looked away. She walked up to Taehyung's desk and placed a paper on it. I was just staring at her, confused.

Taehyung looked up from the papers and had the same expression as me. Confused. Jeannie started speaking.

"Sir, here are my papers." She spoke.

"What papers?" Tae asked, still not understanding what she was doing there.

"My resignation papers. I quit." Jeannie exclaimed coldly.

Taehyung's and my eyes widen in surprise. We were not expecting this.

"Why?" Tae asked.

"I don't want to work here anymore. I realized that no matter how much I tried, I couldn't be the best. Because I am not. Y/n does deserve the position... I don't. But I can't bear to see her boss me around or see her in my dream spot, so I'm leaving. This is slowly getting worse, so before I go crazy, I'll leave. I'll work hard to make my own company, where I'll be the boss." She explained.

She is leaving... I don't feel bad, hearing her explain why. It's probably better for her. Maybe even for me.

"I get it. I respect your decisions. You can officially leave now then." Tae said and signed the resignation papers.

"Thank you." She bowed and turned around. She looked at me for a second then walked out the door.

I hope the best for her...
It was a few days later and it was finally Taehyung and my fifth anniversary. It was also exactly four months since I woke up from my coma.

It feels weird knowing I can't remember anything about the four years I spent with Tae and the twenty-two years of my life. But I've grown used to it sadly.

Though at first, I couldn't remember Tae, it feels like I'd known him all my life. Taehyung already knew me. He knows me like no one else and I'm grateful for that.

Every day with Tae was amazing. We never fought. We never had something to fight over. It feels like we are made for each other, destined to be together. Even though I forgot my memories, my heart remembered my feelings for him, like it knew we belonged together.

I couldn't ask for anything else than having him with me for the upcoming years of my life. I want to make sure that every year we can celebrate our anniversary until we grow old together. I want to be his wife, have some kids maybe, grow old and then peacefully leave this world. That's my only dream now.

I want this anniversary to be unforgettable and extra special. I'll make sure of it!


Taehyung's POV

Y/n and I had planned to go stay home tonight. We were going to have a small Harry Potter marathon. She didn't want to celebrate things big and extravagant so staying home seems fine.

It was around two o'clock and I was out in the supermarket to buy some snacks for us to eat while watching the movies. Y/n stayed home to set things up.

I finished shopping and was walking outside when I saw a flower shop. I figured she would like some flowers. Red roses were a favorite, so I bought a big bouquet and drove home.
When I entered the house, the smell of vanilla filled my nose trills.

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