21: Surprise

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Y/n's POV

[A few weeks later]

Today's date is 30 December. It's Taehyung's birthday. Taehyung didn't tell me, but Jimin had told me when we hung out together, once.

I had planned a suprise for him. Taehyung doesn't know I know it's his birthday, so I thought it was better to suprise him. I'm going to take him to an ice rink. I had done some research, and it was the best place to execute my plan.

After being with Tae for so long, I realized something that I should have realized a long time ago. Today, I'm gonna tell Tae what I feel.
It is morning and Tae and I are eating our breakfast. Since it was the end of the year, we all didn't have to work. I had told Tae yesterday that I wanted to go to an ice rink and conveniently, he suggested to go today. I had already notified my plan to the guys, so that they wouldn't make any plans with him. Till now, I don't think he suspects anything.

We are done eating our breakfast, but it was still to early to go, so we are going out to watch a movie at the theaters.
We were at the theaters getting some snacks to eat while watching the movie.

"Y/n, which one do you want, sweet or salty?" Tae asked gesturing towards the different flavored popcorn.

"I'll take sweet."

"But I want salty..." He replied with a pout. He was too cute to say no to.

"Then, let's take both. There is a mixed one here." I took hold of a bucket of popcorn, that had both sweet and salty in it.

"Alright. Want a bottle of coke?" He walked to the refrigerators full of drinks.

"Yes, please." I replied. He grabbed two bottles and we walked towards the cashiers.
We were sitting in our seats to watch the movie. It was a rom-com.
I was looking at the movie but when I took a glance towards Tae, instead of looking at the big screen in front of us, he was looking at me.

I didn't expect him to look at me so my heart did a little jump. I turned my head to completely see his face. He smiled at me then looked at the screen. A smile made it's way onto my face too. I rested my head onto his shoulder. He turned his face a little to look at me with a smile, before he paid attention to the movie.
The movie ended and it was time to make our way to the ice rink. We took the car and arrived in a half hour. It was still pretty light outside, but it was necessary to make my plan work.


Taehyung's POV

I was surprised when Y/n told me she wanted to go to an ice rink. Cause after all, she can't ice skate. I thought she probably forgot, so I didn't want to ruin her fun and agreed to take her.

Even though it's my birthday, I didn't have any plans for today. The guys were all too busy they said... I didn't tell Y/n either. Knowing her, she would get mad at me for telling her last minute, so I decided to just not mention it.
Y/n had said there was a rink she wanted to visit, saying that it was a very popular place. So after the movies, we drove to the ice rink.

It was an outdoor rink. The course was in the form of an oval. There is an extra huge Christmas tree standing in the middle of the rink with a lot of Christmas lights in it, but the lights in the tree aren't lit up. They must be waiting for new year to take it down, since Christmas is already over.

We went towards the locker area to put our stuff away after getting our skates, from the little booth. Even though Y/n said this was a popular rink, I almost couldn't see anyone else here. We were the only ones here to skate. Must be because it's new years, the day after tomorrow.

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