chapter 40

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*5 years later*

i woke up early that day, the sun shining through the window and casting bright shadows over the rusty pink walls and reflecting over the surface of the ocean opposite. i stretched my arms above my head before getting out of bed and wandering onto the balcony. there was a cool breeze in the air, making the white curtain dance around frantically back in the bedroom. i leant on the edge, looking out over the beach. i think i prefer the beach in the mornings, when it's quiet and untouched. 

i felt a hand slip onto my waist. "morning" Mattheo's voice whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressing his chin on my shoulder. 

"morning" i smiled back, turning and pulling him into a kiss. he smiled against my lips, pulling me tightly against his chest. 

"morning" a third voice came from behind us. we both glanced back to see Talia stood there, looking as if she had just woken up. 

"oh my god hi" i laughed, letting go of mattheo and pulling her into a hug instead. 

"did you sleep here?" mattheo grinned, folding his arms over his chest and sitting back against the stone edge of the balcony. 

"yes. yes i did." she nodded, "in my defence, i didn't want to wake you two and i was very very drunk last night and i forgot to tell you i was coming" 

"obviously." i laughed, sitting beside Mattheo. 

"oh and Blaise and Theo are arriving in 10 minutes." she added, "oops another thing i forgot to mention. but anyway i made coffee and pancakes." she smiled innocently. 

"fine you can stay" Mattheo rolled his eyes sarcastically before going into the kitchen and leaving the two of us alone. 

"how have thing's been? how's New York?" i asked. 

"amazing, i still can't believe you two could bring yourselves to move away from there. although now that i can see the view and i'm not completely pissed i get it. it is nice here." 

"yeah it is" i nodded, before glancing down at the ally below and seeing Blaise and Theo pulling bags of god knows what up the hill. "they're early" i told Talia and she jumped forward shouting down to them. i left her to direct them to the door and went into the kitchen where mattheo was cooking the pancakes, "can you believe she made the mix and didn't cook any of them?" he shook his head. 

"are you kidding? it's Talia her lifes motto is why do something when someone can do it for you" i laughed, gesturing him away and taking over the pancakes. 

"and i stand by those words, they are incredibly profound." she nodded, walking past to let the others in through the door. 

"shit y/n this place is nice" Blaise nodded, pulling me into a hug and then doing the same to Mattheo, despite his obvious discomfort. 

"isn't it" i nodded, "do you two want pancakes?" 

"i'll take some" Blaise nodded. 

"no i'm good, i'm not used to waking up so early so i will just take some coffee if it's going" Theo asked, sitting down beside Mattheo. since school the two of them actually got pretty close, it turns out they have a lot in common. 

we ate pancakes, drank coffee and talked until about 11 o'clock when Blaise suggested we go down to the beach. so off we went. the breeze down there was colder but still hot enough to need to go into the ocean. while the guys all went to do so, Talia and i sat down in the sand. 

"so how are things?" she asked, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand. 

"things are actually really good. Mattheo is working in a book store and i'm waitressing at the little restaurant in the village. we'll go there later, it's so good." i suggested. 

"sounds good" she nodded with a grin, "you both seem really happy" 

"we are" i nodded before getting up and offering her a hand, "now come on, it's to hot to sit here, we're going in the sea." 

"ahh no i don't do ocean" she shook her head. 

"oh get over yourself" i laughed, pulling her up and dragging her towards the sea. 

moments later Theo appeared, and immediately lifted Talia over his shoulder and carried her towards the water. she didn't let go of him, squealing as the water got up to her shoulders. i joined them, jumping onto Mattheo's back and whispering in his ear, "hey you."

"hi" he grinned back, holding onto my thighs and wrapping my legs around him properly. 

the rest of the day went by quickly, we swam, then went dinner in the restaurant i was working at. there was classy live jazz playing and candles and wine. eventually once the sun set the five of us sat back on the beach, watching as the stars came out and the waves rippled over the sand. i rested my head on Mattheo's shoulder and intertwined my hand in his. Talia updated us all on her recent failed dates and Theo told us how he had caught up with April from school on a night out and now they were dating. 

by the end of the night, we all retreated back to our house, while Blaise and Theo crashed in the spare room and Talia on the sofa. 

Mattheo and i lay in bed, his head on my chest and my hands scratching his back. "so today was good, don't you think?" i whispered. 

"yeah it was" he nodded, moving his lips to my neck, "maybe we would make this kind of thing like a yearly tradition." 

"ooo i love it when you talk all prepared for the future" i whispered sarcastically, pressing my lips against his. "honestly though it's not a bad idea" i shrugged moment later. 

"exactly thank you, see i knew i was a genius" 

"yeah i wouldn't go that far" i whispered, looking back into his eyes. 

his eyes held contact with mine, with his lips curved into a smile and his teeth pulled slightly on his bottom lip. "i love you so much" he whispered. 

i smiled back at him, my eye's flickering between his, and the whispering, "yeah i guess you're okay as well." he grinned and pressed his lips back to mine, wrapping his arms around me and pulling on on top of him so that my hands were on his chest. "i do love you too though" i whispered, breaking the kiss and laying my head down on his chest before the two of us drifted to sleep. 

nobody but you (mattheo x femreader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon