chapter 18

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We'd been laying there for a few hours.

"Y'know we haven't had sex in like three days" mattheo said, slowly kissing my neck.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"You want to?" He whispered, kissing lower and lower.

"Not right now." I said rolling over to tease him a little.

"Fine" he whispered, moving closer to me, his large hands trailing up my thigh and onto my hip. He left small kisses down my back.

"I think ima go and hang out with the others for a bit do you wanna come?" I asked getting up.

He lay there watching me pull on a shirt. "Ughhhhh. Can't you just stay here?" He groaned.

"No. You could come with me." I said.

He rolled his eyes, pulling the duvet over him. "They're not really my kind of people." He said.

"Right. So who exactly is your kind of people?" I asked.

"You." He said into his pillow.

"Shame. If you change your mind we'll probably be in the common room." I said before leaving.

"There she is" Blaise grinned as I walked towards them. "We were just talking about you" he said looking over at Theo, who was glaring back.

"Bad things?" I laughed playfully.

"Always" he grinned.

"Good." I sighed laying on the sofa. My head resting on Theo's lap and my legs on talia.

"Where's Draco?" I asked.

Talia grinned at Blaise. "You'll never guess this. Draco went off with pansy about an hour ago and we haven't seen them since." Talia said.

"That's new" I said, curiously.

"That's the thing apparently it's not new they've been sneaking around for a while." Blaise chuckled.

"Seriously? Good for them." I laughed.

"Yeah." Talia giggled. The three of us carried on talking about random things. Theo was weirdly quiet. Like he was always quiet but more quiet than usual.

"What's up with you?" I asked, looking up at him.

Blaise and Talía were still deep in their conversation.

"Nothing." He whispered avoiding my eyes.

"Okay" I said, clearly unconvinced. "What are you thinking?" I asked.

He looked down at me. Actually meeting my eyes. "Honestly?" He asked.

"Yes." I said

"I was thinking about-" he started.

"Hey Y/N can I talk to you?" Mattheo said giving Theo a cold stare.

"Hold that thought" I whispered, getting up and walking over to mattheo.

"What are you doing?" He asked clearly annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked back.

"That. Like I get you two are friends but you don't have to be so-"

"What?" I asked, wide eyed and confused. "Be so what?"

"Come on you know he likes you. You could at least not be so y'know" he said towering above me.

"No actually I don't know." I said, folding my arms and glaring up at him.

"Y/N don't pretend to be stupid it makes you seem guilty" I whispered.

nobody but you (mattheo x femreader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz