Chapter 1

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my eyes fluttered open, adjusting the the light beaming through the large windows. i rolled over looking at the time on the small clock beside my bed 9:47AM it read. i was to tired to get up yet so i rolled back over onto my front. burying my face in my pillow groaning at the thought of having to get up.

i lay there for a while trying to go back to sleep but i just couldn't.

slowly, i sat up. pressing my feet to the ceramic floor tiles. i grabbed a oversized t-shirt that was on the floor beside my bed and slipped it on over my underwear.

i walked into my bathroom, and splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up. i looked into the mirror at my reflection. i had dark circles around my eyes and my cheekbones were highlighted by the dim lighting of the bathroom. my hair hung around my face in dark, messy curls.

i hopped into the shower. letting the warm water fall and slide down my skin. relaxing all my muscles.

once i was finished a wrapped a white towel around my body and brushed my teeth. pulling on some grey sweatpants and the oversized t-shirt i had just been wearing.

wandering into the kitchen i was greeted by an excited looking aunt Narcissa holding a letter and a cup of tea. handing me the letter and placing the tea next to me on the counter. the letter read " dear Y/N Lestrange we are pleased to inform you, you have been excepted into hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry" a list of supplies i needed followed.

i looked up at Narcissa in shock. "we dont have a lot of time you and Draco will leave in a few days. now Draco has everything he needs but we shall have to go out and collect you supplies today. do you still have your wand?" she rushed clearly excited.

"erm, right i- yes i do. its in my bag somewhere." i said still shocked.

"right well you grab that, get dressed and then we'll go. okay?" she said walking of before i could answer.

i ran to my room and grabbed a pencil skirt, a tight t-shirt with some old band on it and some black boots. i grabbed the bag with my wand and a few other things and headed to the door.

after about 2 hours, a much needed coffee break and a couple of trips to a few muggle stores we had everything i needed.

we go back home and i began to pack straight away. by the time i was packed we would be leaving tomorrow.

nobody but you (mattheo x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now