chapter 8

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when i got out of the shower i put on my underwear and some sweatpants, talia was sat on her bed, painting her toes nails white. "hey where were you?" i asked while towel drying my hair.

"i had a detention." she said not looking up.

"for what?" i asked, sitting on my bed.

"blaise and i go caught breaking into snape's secret cupboard." she giggled.

"snape has a secret cupboard?" i asked.

"yeah. it's where he keeps all his little potions like truth serum and other cool stuff." she said.

"what did you need truth serum for?" i asked laying down on my front.

"no reason we were just bored." she said "so are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" she asked, changing the subject.

"literally nothing, i hung out downstairs, went to got some fresh air and then came back here but you were asleep already." i said, looking up at the ceiling.

"ugh boring. nothing happened with mattheo then?"

"nothing interesting." i lied. "where are the guys?" i asked changing the subject.

"downstairs i think." she said.

"come on then im bored." i said getting up off my bed and pulling on a t-shirt.

"ughhhh. fine." she groaned. following me out the door and down the stairs. talia sat in the armchair across from blaise. draco was sat on the carpet. i lay across the sofa with my head on theo's lap. "eww Y/N your hair is wet." he said grabbing a pillow and tucking it under my head. i was surprised he didn't just push me of the sofa.

blaise and talia started having some debate of who would win a fight, spiderman or batman. talia thought batman. blaise thought spiderman.

"it's obviously spiderman, he has fucking web shit and super strength." blaise said

"yeah but have you seen ben affleck? ugh the things i'd let that man do to me."

theo looked down at me before saying "if you're into all that" he seemed a little offended for some reason.

"aren't you gay?" draco asked talia.

"dude, she's pansexual." blaise said kicking draco. talia laughed.

"what the fuck is that again?" draco asked looking at us all.

"it's when you're attracted to the person not the gender." i said.

"oh. haven't you been on the streets for like a year, how'd you know that?" draco asked.

"i wasn't homeless dickhead i just moved a lot and lived by myself. plus i used to go to this cool bar where there were people of literally every sexuality. some muggle shit is actually quite progressive."

"that sounds so cool you've got to take me there." talia grinned.

"how'd a 15 year old get into a bar?" blaise asked.

"i lived above it, plus muggles are kind of stupid. you could get alcohol by just flirting with someone." i explained.

"that sound cool as fuck. why didn't i know Y/N was actually cool. new topic, who'd win in a fight, draco or Y/N?"

theo, talia and i all said "Y/N" together. draco looked around offended.

"bullshit" he said defensively. "i'd win." we all looked at him in silence. "whatever." he said rolling his eyes.

a new conversation started. then i noticed mattheo come down the stairs. he looked at me and then at theo who's lap i was still lying on. he frowned at me, before walking towards us a little. "hey Y/N i need to talk to you about our studying thing tomorrow."

"but tomorrow is sunday. you're gonna make me study on a sunday?"

"yeah. can you just get up a second?" he asked looking annoyed.

"ughhhh," i groaned as i got up. "what?" i said. he pulled me over to the other side of the room.

"what are you doing?" he asked, looking even more annoyed.

"huh?" i asked confused. he looked at theo who was now watching us talk. and then back at me.

"are you trying to piss me off or what?" he asked looking back at me.

"what?" i laughed. "because i was laying on my friends lap you think that's about you?"

"Y/N you don't get it. you don't know what theo is thinking i-"

"what's he thinking?" i asked, smirking at him a little.

"don't look at me like that." he said looking away.

"like what?" i asked tilting my head. "i was just looking at you."

"whatever" he said looking at the floor.

"is it about what he's thinking or about what you would be?" i asked licking my lips, making him look at them. "are you actually going to make me study tomorrow? its a Sunday."

"yes. meet me at my dorm at midday." he said before walking away.

i walked back to the others. sitting back down on the sofa. "what'd he say?" theo whispered.

"nothing interesting" i whispered back, looking into his eyes. he looked back then slowly looked at my lips. i turned away before anyone noticed. we all spent the rest of the evening talking before i got tired and decided to go to bed.

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