chapter 6

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when i woke up the next morning mattheo had his arm wrapped around my waist. i reached for the t-shirt he'd been wearing last night. i tried not to wake him as i wriggled out of his grasp. i threw the t-shirt over my head, grabbed my dress and shoes from the floor and snuck out.

mattheo's pov

i had been awake for hours. i couldn't stop thinking about y/n. she was so close to me yet so far away. i slid my arm around her waist pulling her close to me. i could tell myself it was some manly urge to protect her but it was more that i wanted her to protect me. i thought it was just about sex but given the perfect opportunity for sex i was more concerned about her. i don't know.

she began to wake up a bit so i loosened my grip on her and pretended to be asleep. i felt her slip out of bed and could hear her collecting her things and shut the door behind her.


i slipped back into my dorm. talia was still asleep so it'd be fine i'd just say i got back after she fell asleep. no need to mention anything else that happened last night. i lay in my bed for a while before i fell asleep again. i couldn't stop thinking about mattheo i was so confused. i hated him. his attitude. his stupid eye thing he does. yet there was feeling when i was with him. i felt confident. free. like it was just the two of us. but no. that was probably just because of the hate we hold towards each other. yes, that must be it.

*5 hours later*

it was now 10:00AM. talia was sat at the end of my bed poking me. "does someone owe me a tenner yet?" she asked grinning at me.

"no. definitely not." i laughed

"ugh, why were you so late back then." she asked getting into my bed with me.

"can we talk about it over coffee and a massive breakfast?" i asked cuddling up to her.

"yes. please." she said grinning.

we put some clothes on and headed to the great hall.

"there they are." Blaise said

"Blaise do you want to shout any louder?" i whispered, pouring myself a large cup of coffee.

"someone had a good night" he said

"what?" i said giving him a suspisious look. he looked at me and then at mattheos shirt that i was still wearing. "nothing" he smirked.

i ate a few slices of toast and then told the others i was gonna go back to bed. i gave Blaise a look as i left that said (dont say anything) he gave me a small smile and a nod which im hoping means he wont atleast not until i can actually explain.

i had a quick shower and decided to sort out the mattheo situation as soon as possible. i got dressed. grabbed his shirt. and opened the door only to find mattheo already on the other side.

"shit" i said, pulling him into the room and checking to see if anyone saw him.

"hello to you to" he said fixing his shirt. 

"erm, hey. i was just about to come and find you." i said grabbing his shirt from my bed and chucking it to him.

"thanks" he said with an awkward little nod.

"right so i was meaning to ask you if we could keep whatever happened last night private. i just think since it didn't mean anything to either of us there's no need to make it some big thing." i said trying not to look him in the eyes.

he did some weird little sarcastic laugh and then said "yeah sure whatever. its our little secret"

"thanks." i said opening the door for him to leave. "are we still on for that study session later?"

" yeah sure." he said before walking out. 

for the next few hours i just took a nap. when it got to about 2 ish i headed to the library. he wasn't there yet which was weird since he was usually there before me. but anyway i sat down and waited. he showed up about 5 minuets later.

"sorry, i forgot the time." he said sitting down beside me.

"it's fine don't worry about it. are you okay? you look a little out of breath." i asked watching his chest rise and fall.

"don't act like you've never seen that before." he said smirking at me. i rolled my eyes at him and started to read the book to hide the fact i was blushing. what the fuck. why am i blushing. ew.

We had been studying for another hour before mattheo began to lose focus. I pretended like I didn't notice when his eyes would glance at my legs or when he'd stare at my neck. I was wearing a pencil skirt and tight top that made my boobs look good. I stroked my finger tips up and down the side of my thigh, occasionally playing with the edge of my skirt.

When I was sure I had caught his attention I flipped half of my hair back revealing more of my neck to him. I could see him getting tense. Nervous.

I closed the books. "Are we done?" I asked. Turning to look at him. "What?" He asked flustered by the sudden attention. "Oh right no not yet" he lied. "You need to read the next chapter." No tf I didn't.

I leant a little closer to him and whispered. "Do I still have to read another chapter if I said i would rather go up to your dorm instead."

"Depends. Is that what you're saying." He asked leaning closer to me. His hand slid into my thigh.

I traced my fingers along his jawline and up and down his neck. "No I'm just bored of potions" he looked at my lips then at my eyes.
"Right" he said. Leaning back in his chair.
"So can I go?" I asked.

"Do whatever the fuck you want Y/N" he snapped. And then got up and walked out.


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