Chapter 23

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we spent the rest of the week, skipping most of our classes to hang out with theo. plus draco had lied and said he felt dizzy the morning after so he was allowed to stay in the hospital wing until theo was made to leave as well.

i hadn't seen mattheo, i think he stopped going to class as well but i had tried not to think about it. i had told talia what happened between us but i didn't like mentioning him in front of the others. not that that was much different to the usual.

it was friday and since i was mostly sure i wouldn't run into mattheo, i went to potions class. i hadn't even found out if i was going to be asked to continue mattheo and my study sessions, but i was praying it would be okay.

"ahh miss lestrange. how kind of you to attend my lesson finally." snape said coldly as a sat at my desk.

"no problem" i mumbled slouching back in my seat.

he ignored my attitude surprisingly, and walked back to his desk.

the lesson dragged on for ages and i took a couple of notes, not really paying attention. once everyone else was dismissed, i approached his desk.

"ahh yes. your exam" he paused, sliding the paper across the desk. "congratulations, you did well enough." his cold expression didn't waver.

"so does that mean i don't have to study with riddle anymore?" i asked.

snape looked up at me, eyebrows furrowed. "no you may study with whoever" he said.

i nodded and took a step away towards the door. "miss lestrange?" he paused "i heard of what happened and as someone who regrettably has met you know who before, mattheo is very different. he is unaware of this but i think you'd be the one that he'd listen to."

"sir, with all due respect. i don't see how that'd help. he did what he did even with me to talk to" i said, looking down at the floor.

"i'm aware he has issues. my point is he is not who everyone thinks he is. don't let that alter your idea of him"

"yes sir" i said, a little confused as to why he cared so much.

"you may be dismissed now" he said, refocusing on his work and waving me away with his hand.

once i left i headed to my dorm. i lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling.

talia came in a few minuets later. "oh hey, i thought you went to class" she lay down on the bed beside me.

"i did. well only potions i just got here." i said. she just nodded and lay there. "i don't have to study with riddle anymore"

"good" she said, her tone filled with disgust. she turned her head to look at me, "is that good?"

i paused. "yes obviously" i said. i didn't know if i was lying or not. i had done everything in my power not to think about it, so when the actual question came i had no idea what the real answer was.

"have you seen him since monday?" talia asked, shuffling into me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"nope i don't think anyone has" i whispered, leaning against her head.

i fell asleep after that. when i woke up talia was still laying there reading one of my books. "hey" she grinned, "i've never given the whole reading thing a go but this is pretty good, it's a little depressing tho" she laughed.

i smiled, "yeah they're all a bit like that" i said looking at the small pile of books on my bedside table. "there's something i find comforting about that kind of thing"

"wanna tell me how this one ends so i don't have to finish it?" she laughed.

"nope read it it's good" i said nuzzling my face back into my pillow.

the door swung open and blaise and theo walked in. "what the fuck. it's nice in here. why do we hang out in the common room and not here?" he laughed, laying at the end of our bed. theo laid down beside me, resting his arm behind his head. "because you'd mess it up" talia grinned at him.

"where's draco?" i asked.

"pansy came to see him and they started making out so we left." theo chuckled, making blaise laugh.

"gross" talia grinned.

"did Y/N teach you how to read?" blaise asked, looking at the book in talia's hands. talia threw a pillow at him, "dickhead"

"i wasn't joking" he laughed, catching the pillow before it could hit him.

after a couple of hours of us hanging out, we decided to get some dinner.

we walked to the great hall and sat down in our usual spot. after a few minuets draco came in and sat beside us.

"someone looks happy" talia grinned at him.

"shut up" he laughed. we didn't ask what happened. i didn't because i didn't actually care.

after we finished eating we hung out for a bit in the common room and then decided to go to bed.

even though i had take a nap i was still tired.

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