chapter 22

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after Y/N and i spent a few more minuets in bed, she decided to actually get up and go to class. i had a free period so i decided to go to the library.

i spent about 50 minutes there until i got bored and decided to go for a walk before my class started. as i left the library i say theo leaning against one of the corridor walls with draco stood beside him, both in deep conversation apparently. seeing him brought up all the anger i felt when Y/N told me about what he said.

"hey riddle" he grinned spitefully, as i approached them. "how are things with Y/N? did you fuck things up with her yet?" he asked calmly.

"fuck you" i spat before my fist collided with the side of his face. once. then twice. then again. then again. then again. i lost count after that. i was overwhelmed by the anger, towards theo. towards my father. towards the world. i wanted them all to hurt. starting with this asshole. all of them, except Y/N. oh my god. Y/N. this is her friend. she's already worried i'll turn into my father. what's she going to do when she sees this.

i stopped. theo was laying on the stone floor. blood falling from various places on his face. his nose, his forehead, his lip. shit. i pushed myself off him. only now seeing draco laying a few meters away. a small wound on his head. i then realised classes had gathered in the corridor. coming to a stop a fairly large distance away from me. my hands were covered in blood.

my eyes caught the attention of Y/N as she, blaise and talia pushed through the crowd. all three of them stopped when they saw theo and draco laying on the floor and me stood a couple of meters away from him. "Y/N" i whispered, stepping towards them. talia took a step back. blaise stood there frozen as he took in the sight of theo and draco.

Y/N looked up at me and then down at my hands. her expression was cold and scared. "Y/N i'm so sorry i didn't mean-" i was interrupted by her pushing past me, running over to theo. blaise and talia followed. i watched as Y/N lifted theo's head up slightly on to her lap and leaning down a little to check his breathing. i can't believe i did that.

i picked up my bag and pushed through the crowd, climbing the many flights of stairs to the top of the astronomy tower. i sat at the top. looking out at the view for a while. i liked it there. it was quite.


talia and i carried theo to Madam Pomfrey while blaise carried draco. we lay them down in the few empty beds that were left before taking a seat at the bottom of them. "are you okay?" talia whispered, sliding her hand into mine. "no" i replied, chewing on my lip. "ladies could you have these two drink this?" madam pomfrey asked, handing us each a cup of blue liquid. "i have lots of patients today".

we nodded, and smiled at her before she hurried off to another bed. talia poured the liquid into draco's mouth slowly and i did the same for theo. we waited for a while. blaise sat on the floor, leaning his back against the side of dracos bed. talia sat, with her knees under her chin on a chair. and i sat on the edge of theo's bed. none of us said much we just waited for them to wake up. draco woke up first, he had only suffered a bump to the head making him fall unconscious, so we assumed he'd wake up first.

madam pomfrey came up to us when it began to get late. "draco you should be fine to go back to your dorm. come back if you feel nauseous or dizzy in the morning. i'd keep you a while longer but i appear to be running out of beds. the rest of you should probably get going too it's getting rather late." she smiled kindly.

the others stood up, blaise helped draco to his feet. "could i stay? just a little longer i don't want him to wake up alone" i said.

she looked down at me giving me a sympathetic nod, "yes my dear you may"

"we'll see you later" talia said, following draco and blaise out.

i waited there for a few hours, until i eventually fell asleep on the floor beside his bed.

"Y/N?" he smiled weakly. i had cleaned the blood from his face but now there were 3 very visible cuts on his face and a large bruise over his right eye. "why are you on the floor?" he asked.

"i fell asleep, how are you feeling?"i asked, sitting down on the edge of his bed again.

"my face hurts" he paused "have you been here all night?" he asked.

"yeah. the others were here as well but madam pomfrey told them to leave."

"oh okay" he nodded awkwardly.

"i didn't want you to wake up alone but since you've woken up now i should probably head out. i can send blaise or talia to stay with you if you want." i said, standing up abruptly.

"erm yeah sure either one" he smiled weakly.

"okay i'll see you later probably" i said before hurrying out.

when i got back to my dorm talia was already awake, but she was just laying in bed, playing with a spell that made tiny glass frogs jump around the room. when she noticed me come in her attention was broken and one of the frogs fell. she managed to catch it before it smashed against the floor. "hey, is he awake?" she asked. she had dark circles under her eyes.

"yeah he's awake i said i'd tell you or blaise to go and see him"

"i'll go" she said, grabbing a jacket and hurrying to the door.

"hey have you slept at all?" i asked, before she slipped out the door.

"no i'll sleep up there" she said quickly, then she disappeared behind the door.

i collapsed onto my bed. there was a knock at the door. i assumed it was talia who must've forgotten something in the rush.

i opened the door. it wasn't talia.

mattheo stood there. he was shivering and he was still in yesterdays uniform. "mattheo?" i asked, trying to hide my genuine concern. his eyes looked red. liked he'd either been crying or was extremely high.

i stepped towards him, placing a hand on his cheek. he was freezing. "you're so cold what the fuck" i said, pulling him into my dorm. "Y/N I-"

"tell me after" i interrupted, wrapping a blanket around him. i turned the shower on, letting it warm up enough before he went in.

after he had warmed up and changed his clothes he sat on the end of my bed, while i sat beside him. "listen Y/N i didn't mean to. i didn't know what i was doing. please say you understand. that you're not angry" he took my hand in his, looking deeply into my eyes as he spoke.

"did he hit you first?" i asked, calmly. his gaze fell down, as if he was ashamed.

"no" he mumbled, shaking his head softly.

i took a deep breath and stood up. opening the door for him to leave. "i don't want to see you anymore. okay?" i said, avoiding his eyes as i leant on the wall, with one hand holding the door ajar.

he didn't move for a few seconds, then stood up. "he's awake by the way, not that you asked." i said, "he woke up this morning"

"and he's okay?" he whispered, stopping in front of me.

"he's got a few bruises and it took a while to stop the bleeding but he's going to be fine." i nodded.

"good" he paused. "Y/N i-"

"please just go" i said turning my face away from him. he smiled weakly and then left.

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