💔𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 [𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨, 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞]

497 9 1

haruto x fem¡reader

- angst

- sorry to the haruto biases out there...



He followed me everywhere; and it didn't help that we were in all the same classes.

Math, Science, Gym, lunch - everywhere I looked I saw him.

"Okay seriously y/n, what is his deal ?" Kazuha leaned against my locker as she looked at me with wide eyes.

I had just told her that while on my morning run from the dorms, won't I just turn the corner to come face to face with none other than Haruto Watanabe. A lot of my friends called him a stalker, but me ? I just called him my tail.

I hated it for a long time, it was annoying to see his face every where I looked - he always had that smile on his face... the one that showed of his little bunny teeth. That smile that made his eyes turn to slits.

I slowly realised, I was the only person that he smiled like that at.

One time during period swap, Yoshi, who's my locker mate and a close friend with Haruto, said that exact thing. He said, "He doesn't smile like that for everyone y/n. He's a good guy."

I sighed at that. I knew he was, but even if his pestering and persistence slowly started to make my heart melt for him, I just couldn't. "My brother hates him Yoshi."

Everyone knew how protective Yuta was over me. He made it known my first day here that no boy was to even think about coming near me, or he'd show them what a judo Olympic gold nedalist is really capable of.

Extreme I know, but I can't blame him. It's just him and I after all.

"I'm aware, trust me y/n but, are you gonna let him dictate your life forever ?"

He left after without saying anything else, and at that very moment, I turned to see that familiar tall build with a head of blonde hair walk past. Like I said, Haruto has been on my heels for the past month, asking me out and all, and I've rejected him everytime - but that never stopped him.

I was bound to fall eventually.

I watched as he walked, straight out the school doors. I furrowed my brows. We only had third period after this, and it was pouring outside so, where was he even going ?

I made a choice. If I turned the other way, I'd bury my feelings for him, and just go on as I've been doing; but if I follow him now, I would show him what a kiss from a Nakamoto feels like.

Of course, even if my brain wanted to go the opposite way, my heart was what gave the command to my legs.

It was if at first I didn't even feel the harsh rain hitting my body as i walked, searching for where Haruto could've gone. I walked around, until I heard a giggle from around the corner. That definitely wasn't him.

That's how I ended up here.

I feel the rain now. It's colder than ice as it seeps through my uniform and coats my skin - but the temperature of the rain came no where near the coldness of my blood that ran through me as I watched him.

There, against the wall leans Haruto, the boy who's been pestering me for weeks, and eventually succeeded in making me fall neck deep in love with him - and in front of him was Kazuha, my best friend, who claimed to hate his guts.

His hands touched her cheeks, and how I wished they were against mine instead. He runs his thumb along her skin, and smiles.

That's when my heart shattered completely. Turns out, i wasn't the only peron he smiles at like that.

But despite my heartache, I wasn't about to run away. I have every right to confront him.

Kazuha sees me first, and her eyes widen as she scrambles away from Haruto; but I didn't even look at her. She wasn't the one who hurt me. I never told her how I felt about him, so she could never have known.

"Y/n ?"

I stand before him now, hating how much I just wanted him to wrap his arms around me and hold me forever.

"So what, you never liked me is that ? Or was it a game to see if I'd give in ?" I loved the rain for covering up my tears, but it didn't hide the whimper in my voice unfortunately.

Hs shakes his head slowly. "No I liked you y/n, a lot, and for the longest time too."

I tilt my head. "How long ?"

"Eever since you started here y/n."

I chuckle at that. "You mean to tell me you've liked me for three years, but suddenly there's someone else ? Are kidding me ?"

He furrows his brows, and looks at me as if there was something I didn't understand. "Yes y/n, I liked you for three goddamn years and look when you decide to notice me ! What was i supposed to do, wait around for you forever ?"

"I literally came out here to confess to you Haruto !"

His eyes widen. "What ?"

"Y/n," I turned around to face Kazuha who had called me, and despite the rain washing her tears away, I could see how red her eyes were. "On the weekends when you went home, Haruto would visit me at the dorms,"

My heart drops.

"At first it was just to talk about you. He wanted to know what you liked, what you didn't like. He really liked you y/n,"

I clenched my fists, fighting this loud cry that wanted to leave my throat. "And then what ?"

"The conversations slowly deviated from you," he says, and I turn back to face him. His eyes were red too. "I'm sorry y/n, but I couldn't wait for you forever.

"So you just made me fall, only to break my heart in the end ?"

"Why didn't you come to me earlier then y/n !" he yelled.

"Because I was confused Haruto ! I didn't understand what these feelings were because I've never felt them before," I look up at him through my tears. "I'm here now but," as he met my gaze, I could already tell we no longer shared the same feelings. "But it feels as if I should walk away, and forget you."

To my dismay, he nods slowly.

"You should y/n."

I didn't wait longer. I couldn't bear the sight of his eyes that didn't sparkle anymore as he looked at me. I couldn't stand there knowing I lost him. Overall, I just couldn't stand with the weight of my broken heart.

I barely made it up that stairs when my knees buckled, and I felt a pair of arms quickly wrap around me. He pulled me up and under shelter, and held me close to his chest.

"I'm here for you y/n and... I'm sorry."

I sighed as I closed my eyes. It suprised me how I felt safe in these arms when they didn't belong to neither Haruto nor my brother.

But still, I'm grateful for you, Yoshi.

𝗸𝗽𝗼𝗽 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 // 𝗽𝘁. 𝗜𝗜Where stories live. Discover now