MTSOA 2 (1)

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It's 3:40 am and he couldn't sleep. His head was aching so much that he couldn't find a suitable position to sleep. He kept on turning around in the bed but then nowhere was suitable for him.

He slipped out of the bed and walked out of the room right after wearing his coat as the weather is getting cooler in the middle of the night plus the air conditioner.

Just when he was about to head to the kitchen, he glanced through that one room he has always wished to enter, but now everything inside is getting old. It's been two years, yet he hasn't gotten over her.

Anytime he walks past her room, he wishes that it would open and the woman of his life walks out with a smile but then, everything happens for a reason.

He made his way to the kitchen to find his drugs. It is usually kept in a small tea basket specially for him but now since he married her she has changed everything inside the house except for her room.

He kept checking around, just for him to find it in one of the cabinets in a small take away. Why would she put my drugs there? He thought as he reached for it. Just when he was about to bring it out, a faze of dizziness hit him as it slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, scattering around.

He hisses, shaking his head and shutting his eyes together to stable himself and stay conscious. Just when he reached to take his pain killers to cool his migraine, she appeared from nowhere and reached it before him.

Raising his head at the woman in front of him, he was taken aback by the beautiful smile she surpasses as she tries to give him his drugs. "Su..." He was cut shut by the lady's voice. "Babe, why are you here at this hour? And how on earth did you throw your drugs? Look how everything is all open on the floor. What will the doctor say now? Why are you being stubborn?" She rants.

He shook his head Immediately, disappointed as he tried to get up. He suddenly lost stamina and almost slipped but she quickly reached for him. "Subhannallah! Babe meya faru(what happen?)" She asked, taking him to sit at the dinning as she switched on the passage's dim light.

She hurriedly got him some warm water in a cup and put the drugs in his mouth, making him drink up with the water, but instead he drank just a little amount before he pushed her hand away. "I am okay!" He whispered. She respected and sat beside him.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, placing her hand on his forehead to feel his temperature but it was as high as it used to be when he got his migraine. "Do you want to eat anything? I can warm it for you?" She asked but he was already getting irritated by her presence and how much she is a pest around him.

"Just shut up, I am fine and why would you remove my drugs from the basket and put it in that take away?" He sparks and she keeps quiet. "I used it to put the fruits inside!"

"Fruit? Why would you put it there? Can't you at least buy another one? Since I married you, things around this place have changed, you just changed everything. Look around how you changed my TV stand, brought a very stupid flower vase. Listen, this is not your father's house and because you are my wife doesn't mean you can do whatever you feel to your taste. Understood?" He barks and she respectfully nods as she watches him mutter some insults before leaving her and heading to the room.

The tears she was holding started to roll down her cheeks. It's been two good years and neither has he ever cared to be nice to her. As much as she regretted going this far, the only way he will be able to forget that winch who didn't think twice before leaving him is to make sure he forget her forever and face the fact that she is now his wife.

She wiped her tears and made it to the kitchen to clean up the mess he had just made, praying that he would be able to love her someday as much as she loves him.

The next morning, He left as early as possible to the office and met Ibrahim already seated. He was surprised to see him this early. He was seated and focused on the papers before him and with a frown on his face, he scribbled down and signed the files.

Khalil stood by the door, watching him work so hard and feeling remorse that he had to make him do the work. He sighs, taking a deep breath and walks towards Ibrahim's desk. "Working hard on a Wednesday morning?" He asked, taking a seat.

Ibrahim shurged. "I'm meeting with the engineering company very soon, I guess it's in two weeks... Faruq sent his apologies that he won't be able to come a week from now because his wife is pregnant..." Ibrahim says as Khalil shooked. "His wife? Does he know where she is?" He asked.

Ibrahim glares at him for the first time since he entered the office before working back on his files. "I don't know why you are all worked up, it's been two years and she really left for a long time. I doubt she would be able to come back" he says, flipping to the next page of his file.

"Are you worried, you are already married!" He added.

"Listen to yourself, she is still my wife, I have not divorced her!"

Ibrahim chuckles, resting on his rolling chair. "No one knows, you and her marriage is now Void and needs amendments, Maryam is on my neck. I really can't wait for your plan to come into action. I am honestly tired!" He groans.

As planned, Maryam made a fuse by trying to accuse Khalil but before she could get a chance, he had already handed it over to Ibrahim. He knows it's for the meantime but he doesn't think, meantime will end anytime soon. He has always loved his work, but now.

"Yes!" Ibrahim quickly seats up. "...about Mr Bello"

Khalil frowns. "What about him?"

"He has gotten a lawyer to fight for his case,"

Khalil scoffs. "Lawyer? His case is closed and he is guilty."

"He still hasn't confessed who made him fraud your company, " Ibrahim mutters as Khalil shrugged. "Obviously Maryam has a hand in all this, if she doesn't then why is she here?"

Ibrahim raised to look at him then back at his file. "Khalil, you are also a suspect."

"Of my own company?"

"Well it's not yours anymore!"

Khalil sighs in disbelief. "What has gotten into you Ibrahim, I thought you didn't even want the post?"

"You still don't get it, do you?" Ibrahim asked coldly and Khalil went dazed. What doesn't he know? Has Maryam really gone that far? "I guess you need to rest, please go home"

Khalil watches him closely to notice the emotionless expression of Ibrahim, no glint of joy in his eyes and how cold he has become towards him. He knew him to be loud and annoying but now, he doesn't even seem that way again. Like he is a totally different person.

Without uttering another word, he turned on his heels and left. He doesn't even know if to feel angry or remorse. If only she was here!...

First chapter of Book 2, who is excited for the series?
As promised, the first chapter is here while the next two chapters will be in a separate book. I would be grateful if don't mind check it out.
Have a nice day!

Until then, enjoy😊

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