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I came down the stairs cause mum had told me not to go anywhere last night when I came back, no one seemed to be around. "Ladidi?" I called the maid and she rushed towards me.

"Na'am (yes)"

"Inna mama da baba?" (Where is mum and dad)

"Sun fita ban san inda sukaje ba!" (They went out, I don't know where they went). I nodded and asked her to go. Glad they told someone already.

"Yaya!!!!!" No one other than Amal will scream my name wherever she is, as she rushed down the stairs and met me seated in the sitting room.


"How do i look?" She asked, standing in front me and spreading her arms to each side, swaying alone in the air. I know for sure she wants me to comment on her attire but she actually looks nice on the native atamfa, but it's more of a bodycoy which shows off her little curves and flat tummy.... Hmm.... I see why Arif won't let me be.

"Not good enough for a hangout or a date!" I wave off turning back at the TV, she gasped before muttering some angry words and stomping away.

Not less than 15 minutes later she came back in a free turtle neck buba material dress and a turban which looked more pretty and smart on her than the previous one.

"Why not just wear your top and jeans?" I suggested, trying to see if she'd be pissed.

"Why? isn't this good enough?" She groans, wandering around her for a moment then back at me.

"Where are you going?"

"Friends hang out, I told mum that Ibro will take me there!" She answered quickly, not like I'll stop her, she should just be careful.

"I'm just kidding, you look pretty now, hurry before they leave you behind" I grin.

I watched her nod, beaming like a maniac before heading to her room, whatever she did but she came out completely done, in a low wedge shoe, her vail placed on the right side of her shoulder as she stood by the door showing me.

I gave her a slight nod before she walks out of the door then stops, it makes me curious until she turns around beaming.

What is she? A phyco?

"Yaya, one of my friends has a crush on you and...."

Jeez, "get going already" I spats before she runs out like a puppy but right after murmuring some safety du'a.

What a pest!

"Arrhh! I'm so hungry walahi (I swear)" heading to the dinning where the lunch was served no one even dared to eat it, so as I served the white rice and meat stew to my bowl, the doorbell rang.
Who could it be? I'm sure Amal must have gone a long way.

One of the maids rushed to open and a four years old boy ran in while an elderly woman asked him to stay put.

"Uncle Khalil!" The boy calls as she runs and jumps on my lap.

'Woah' I let out a yelp when I felt his weight. "Mamah!" I glance over at his mother

"Haka ake gaida big sis?( Is that anyway to greet your big sis)" she questions with both hands on her waist raising a question brow.

I chuckle "what's the deal Nabila?" I asked but she just rolled her eyes waving me off and got a seat on one of the Sofas closer to the door.

"Where is mama da baba, I called but they weren't picking and Amal?" She wonders.

"All out, I thought you must have met Amal, are you going somewhere?" I asked. "Yes, I'm on afternoon shift, I need to sign in some patients and all, his father is out of town you know so I bring him here like always" she spoke pretty in a rush too.

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