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"W... What you Can't be serious, Dan Allah!" Faisal squealed when Khalil finally told them what he feels towards summayyah.

He shrugs. "I don't know. I mean i was too harsh on her" he sighs, bitting his lower lip. Like he regretted telling them. His pride is just too much.

Faisal fall back on the couch. "Its right isn't it Arif, you can't stay with someone like her and you'd say you don't like her, she's a cherry!" He sang, throwing his hands in the air.

"What do you know about cherry?" Arif asked.

"Beautiful, brilliant, composed and well spoken, did you see how she spoke at the conference with full mind set."

"I didn't attend!" Arif quickly answer.

"Dude i know, I'm just trying to explain to you." He hissed.

"Do you like her ne? The way you talk about her like that?" Arif wonders as Faisal went mute trying to dodge the question.  All though he is found of her but Khalil took the question to heart.

"You like her?" He demands, making him sink back in the chair.

"How could you like a married woman!" He yells.

"Jeez, don't go far i didn't say i actually like her!" He sat up placing his hands on Khalil's desk.

Khalil sighs rubbing his forehead. "Faruq was her ex lover and i tried my best to be a better one for her" he mumbles.

"So you realised you like her because of her ex lover, you're hilarious!" Arif chuckled before going back into his phone.

The door quickly opens and Tony rushed in, in haste panting and scrolling through the tablet he holds. "Sir we've got a problem!" He announced as the three of them turns to him in shock.

"Whats going on?" Khalil quickly orders , as Tony drops the tablet on his desk and motioned him to scroll through. "Our sales are dropping sir and we are few steps away from bankrupt" he disclosed.

"What!!!" Arif and Faisal got to their feet, astonished by the breaking news. "How did all this happen?" Arif demands for an explanation, the first thing that came to his mind was Mr Bello. "Did Harry knows about this, did you guys monitor it well!" Arif scolded in anger. "Y... Yes sir, we did but..."

"But what? What is going on with all of you, things hasn't be right since few months ago." He slaps the table. Faisal tried to calm him down but shoves his hand.

"I need to speak to Mr bello, he must have tempered with this..." He headed straight to the door. Khalil was just left seated and having no idea how things came to these.

'Bankrupt! That has never happened before'

"Khalil we would look into it, don't worry!" Faisal mentions. "Arif was out in range, we will...."

"My head hurts, you should do what you must and give me a feedback, if it cost everyone to give out their best to prevent this loss we will do it!" He says, Faisal and Tony nodded to him in agreement.

"You should probably go home to your wife"

"Shut up Faisal!" He barks as both faisal and Tony startled. "Jeez! You don't look good when upset!" He mutters before they excused him.

He let out a stressed sigh, running his plams through his head, back and front. How could it be possible?!since he started working he has never gotten any problem concerning bankruptcy, but now that he was forced to marry and her father is part of it and is in the marketing branch. He sure knows about these and...

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