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It was already pass Nine, Maimuna has left and she has closed everywhere so she won't sleep off and forget to lock everywhere.

Seated legs crossed in the sitting room and watching her series, business proposal. Though Khalil has woken up a while ago and took his pap before going back.

She then heard another knock on the door which made her paranoid. Who must it be by that hour? it can't be the neighbours cause they traveled weeks ago and funny it is that they are the only two people in the house.

She reduced the volume a bit but the knock was then loud enough. Quickly putting on her hijab she steped out even though she was dying of fear she had to check in.

As she opens the door, there stood a man with a travelling box standing on the passage while the light was reflecting on him, he has kept his hair a little, and he looks exactly like Khalil. They have this little cheek bone, fallen nose and got small eyes and a V shaped face.

But other wise, he has more fashion style than Khalil. "And who must you be?" She questioned, holding on a straight and no nonsense face.

He snearl. "Wow, i didn't know lulu has such a beautiful wife... Didn't he tell you about me?"

"You who? Maybe i need answers from you, so i can take legal actions, my husband is ill" she answered. She was actually relieved it someone khalil knows but if it wasn't she won't be trying to make him spit out.

He pouts. "So bad! I'm Ibrahim Asraf, his cousin brother!" He introduced and she nodded, moving aside and giving him way. "Good, come in"

"You knew?"

"I wouldn't be sure to let some random men and women into my house without knowing" she lectures making her way to the kitchen.

"You sure take caution."

She nods. "Uhmm, and here is his room but before then, this way to your room, i had my maid clean up the room for you so rest asure you would see him tomorrow!" She led him to his room right after the dinning table which sit a bit opposite the maid room.

"Of course ma'am. But you are just so beautiful!" He ogles.

She sighs, clinking her fingers in the air. "I guess he wasn't wrong about you ogling on a married woman, now please rest..." And she was out.

Jeez he talks a lot.

Returning back to the room after deciding to just end her movie night because she won't know when he would come and keep talking. Khalil asked her why she wasn't sleeping and she told him that Ibrahim had just arrived.

He hissed, trying to sit up. "That punk."

"Do you want to shower?"

He nods. "Yes please!"

She assisted him to the bathroom and made sure everything was set for him before leaving. She came back to arrange his bed when her phone starts to ring, she quickly reached out to it but found an unknown number.

'Who could it be?' She thought before picking it up in the last ring. "Hello!"

"Hello summayyah!" The caller which she identified as a man spoke.

"Who is it?"

"Can you hear me? Summayyah..." The line cuts immediately and she couldn't call back cause its a private number.

She stared at the phone for a moment, wondering who it was until Khalil came out. "Are you okay?" He asked as she quickly drops the phone and set his pillow before assisting him to sit and getting him his jalabiya.

Marrying The Son Of AsrafWhere stories live. Discover now