Spin off (Eidi ko wahala)

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Spin off of Marrying the son of Asraf.
What if, they were in good terms and a very good team?
Will it be good or not?
Lets check it out...

Eidi ko wahala (Eid or stress)


Faisal Bashir

Arif Bilal

Summayyah Bello

Khalil Omar

Amal Omar

Halima Mansour

And some others...


Early in the morning at 7am, they were fully up, though Summayyah had to go for a second round sleep after subhi and when he came back, he waited until 7 to wake her up.

He has taken his bath and dressed in a milk well ironed Kaftan while summayyah was still trying to set herself to look pretty, no make up but still tries to take her time.

It was pissing him off that he stomps out of the room. After a few minutes he starts to yell out her name. "Summayyah! Summayyah!"

"Na'am (yes) I'm almost done." She groans running out in a peach hijab that matches her light brownish skin.

He was left amazed by her beauty but then remember he should be angry. "What took you so long!" He frowns.

"I need to take my time, so respect me!" She pouts shoving him away as she walks to the door. He couldn't help but to smile.

She's really getting him.

He unlocks the car as she quickly slides into the passengers seat, put on her seat belt and remained calm. In no time, he starts of the car and drove off to the national mosque for the Eid prayers and though they seem a bit late.

The mosque was crowded and even the road that some people don't have a packing space so they just pack at the end of the road which caused too much traffic.

Seeing how he could not pass through, he hits the starry angrily. Summayyah didn't dare to look at him knowing whatever is happening might be her fault for being sluggish.

And he hates traffic...

"These will slow us down walahi!"

"You can park by the end of the road, i can see people or you just pack here!" She suggest looking out at the window.

He turns to her confused by her stupid suggestion. "Are you for real? They'd block my car!"

She sighs before unlocking the door. "Tor...(well) I'm getting out if you're going to keep worrying about your car or something, Halima could be here somewhere, text me when you are in" she kissed his cheeks before getting off.

She scuttle in to find Halima in the crowd but couldn't so she just spread her mat beside some teen lady and stood on the line.

Meanwhile, Khalil had given up and decided to go with her suggestions and packs where people's car were arranged but before getting out, he made sure he drops his number and rushed in to not miss any rakat of Salat.


"Assalum alaikum warahamatu lah" the Imam ends the prayer as they starts to whisper their du'as. Little by little everyone starts to greet each other Salaam before they made their way to the exist.

"I'm at the gate!" Summayyah texted him.

The moment he got to the gate, he met a full family, Amal, his mother and father, Arif and Faisal, by the sight of his friends he frowns and walks towards them like he was about to give them shit on their faces which he did. "Ku yan banzaye! (You idots.) I was looking for you!" He scolds

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