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"Hello, yaya" Amal calls from the other end.

"Na'am!" (Yes!) I replied. "Oh, Dad said you should get ready as your promotion and his retiring date would fall on the same day and i almost forgot, mum actually asked you to come with your wife!" She blunts.

"My wife? And why should I?" I inquired trying so hard not to befall my anger on her. "Jeez how long would you be this stubborn, just come with her and avoid all the trouble!"

"Whatever, tell her I've heard!" And with that i ended the call, mum is so interested in this girl but on second thought, did i really look this fat?

I analyzes myself at the mirror on the left side of my desk to find out where I increased but Tony came in dropping me a file. "And what could this be?" I asked staring at it.

"You would be the CEO soon and so, you would start the work of the CEO, the accounts of marketing of the Good are all written, if there is a way you would want to resuffle it."

"Okay i will look into it, I'll get to speak to the board of directors if there is anything the company will need"

He nods and about to go then stops. "There is also a good news. The pivate limited company of engineering want to join forces with us and they asked to speak to you and tell you what they are planning on doing!" He reported.

Piviate engineering? What?

"I'll create a time to see them just get back to work!"

"Yes sir" with that he left. 'enginering? Why?' I thought over it before giving Arif a call and informing him about the situation but he said he would look into it instead.

Well, it's asr now, I would round off and call it a day. I've signed up the files Tony had given me and for once in his life he never been easy on me.

Summayyah's POV

"Yes everything is fine Luqman, I still have your braclet you know!" I mentions so he will know that I still cherish him a lot, even over the phone with him.

"If he does you anything, better report down to me and I will treat his fuck up" he warns.

I chuckles. "Don't go around hitting on people okay, or else I would deny you!"

"Deny me. I'm heart broken"  he lamented.

"Asslamualaikum!" (Peace be upon you) came Khalil as he walks into the sitting room where I was seated watching some korean movie. "I'll call you back, take care okay!" And I ended the call taking my feets towards him.

"Ka dawo?" (Your back?) I reached for the suit case.

"Who are you talking to on the phone?" He questions, glaring at me like a complete stranger he happens to see in his house.

"Why? When did you start asking me who I talk to on the phone?" I demanded back.

"How am I to be sure that you won't call bandit to rob me cause thats what you'd be good at!"

"Excuse me?"

"U hmm"

"Unbelievable, if I wanted to rob you i would have done it long ago and disappear!" I exhort angrily.

"Then why won't you do that, why did you even marry me?"

I step back a bit and chuckle. "Really! Marry you?" I've always wanted to ask him all long.

"Your father asked my father and forces me into marrying you!" I blabbed.

"And why didnt you object?"

"Ha!" I let out a disbelief sigh, "Could you?" He was quiet. "See you couldn't and just how I can't! But you are a guy you shouldnt have let them toy with you this way." I spoke out my mind and then stomps out leaving him standing there, he started it and I tried my best to be a good wife but he never even see to that. He deserve every shit he throws at me.

My silence won't be taken for granted khalil, let's just do our different task.

Khalil's POV
We sat to eat dinner in silence after what had just happened earlier, it's seems like she has no idea what her father is planning on doing, all she was told was to marry me, I doubt if she knew about my illness. She really isn't told about any of this? But why?

She kept smiling and typing back on her phone that she barely even ate the little portion of her food yet she left me curious to what actually makes her smile this much.

She has no idea that marrying me was to promote her father, make me the CEO, grant father a successful retirement and protect my sudden on and off illness.

"Why are you smiling like a maniac over the phone, won't you eat?" I asked.

"And why do you care?" She snapped. Damn, is she this mad can't she just let things go?

"Not that I care, but you won't be fainting this time around!" I smirk as a reminder to what happened a while ago.

She gasped immediately staring away at her phone and to me agitated before looking away. She gets it now right!

She hated the title, but her reaction made me giggle, which I never felt I could.

"And besides, I don't eat much because I cooked it, you should... enjoy yourself, goodnight!" And with that she left the table, she was mad alright but I didn't care to call her back, she will be okay.

Oh! That reminds me, I forgot to tell her that my mum wants to see her. well since dad retirement is the day after tomorrow then I'll find a time to tell her whether she likes it or not.


Marrying The Son Of Asrafजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें