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"What i mean is, when are you going to have your kids?" She asked bodly and i felt embarrassed. I can't honestly tell them that we sleep on different beds for the three months of our marriage.

What do i do?

"Well, soon in shaa Allah (by God's grace) you will see a newly baby to the family!" I say in between my awkward chuckles, i don't think i will ever conceive for that man, how will he treat the child Anyway?


Time went by in a blink and i drove home towards magrib, we really spent time togther that we even prayed asr there.

On reaching home, i mistakenly bumped into him by the door while he was in a rush to not miss any rakats.

"S... Sorry!" I quickly apologise making him way.

"Kin dawo?" (You're back) and i nodded, the Adhan was then called and he quickly made his way out.

I got in meeting Maimuna already setting the table, poor child i had really made her do all the works for me.

I wasn't raised that way!

But you were practically!

Maybe at some basis!.

I went to my room, to shower up and then prayed before coming down for dinner, honestly i was filled up after all the junks we ate at that place, i doubt any of them could be able to eat.

"How was the outing?" He asked, sipping some orange juice, i had asked Maimuna to blend for me.

"It was nice, not bad. I enjoyed it!" I answered noddingba twitching my lips to the side.

"Hmm, i see..." He nodded still focused on his mashed potatoes and chicken sauce.

"Do you perhaps, know how to cook?" I utter, i know it was strange and out of the blue but his reaction says otherwise. He paused for a moment, starting at me. Maybe i shouldnt have asked but i was really curious.

"Did, nabila tell you?" He asked.

I nodded.

He groans, "Shit that girl!" He cursed between clenched teeth. And i regretted ever bring it up. We don't like each other, then why being informal.

Dinner was over......

Maimuna was ready to go, so she came by the sitting room door to tell me, i felt like its a while since i saw her off. "Toh sai gobe (alright, till tomorrow) i say to her.

She got up to leave when i noticed a red bruise under her nape and a part of her dress was torn but sowed with thread and needle.

She needs a dress.

"Maimuna!" I quickly called before she could get to the door.

"Na'am Aunty!" She turns around.

"Jira ni inna zuwa! (Wait for me, im coming) i headed to my own room right away, I had my material outfit placed one side as an easy access to me when maybe i don't feel like going to his room.

Marrying The Son Of AsrafHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin