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I was having dinner around 7 when baba calls to tell me to meet them at the hospital, he was trembling over the phone and for a moment I thought something had happen to mum, but then he said that it was Summayyah's parents.

Her parents?

I couldn't eat as I took my car keys immediately, starting the car and driving right to the hospital right away, by the time i arrived,  I asked the receptionist for the room the family of Abdulahi is, that's her name and I was directed to a corner after my right.

The moment I got there, everyone was all gloomy and I could find Summayyah's head resting on a teenage boy's shoulder which i could picture as her younger brother though the resemblance wasn't there but for his father.

Mama, quickly rushed to me gesturing me to where she seats beside summayyah and try to console her, I have no idea what happened that we are here but as i sqautted before her, she flinched when I reaches for her hands. "Are you alright?" The first thing I did was to ask.

Her face was bathed with tears and more where making it down her cheeks, she shook her head and nodded all at the same time.

If you where a good husband, you'd let me see my family!


Her words rings back in my head as I realised who is places on the bed, the doctor quickly made its wat out asking who summayyah was, I was tempted to speak but then she quickly stood up. "I'm here!"

He said that her mother wanted to see her before he excused himself, I was terified and unbalanced even after what mother had told me, I felt some part of me is full with guilt.

Just then, Luqman and his younger carbon copy rushed in, my brows furrowed by the sight of him and he raised me a brow to question why i was here! I watch them talk randomly all in the name of waiting for her to come out as my mum placed her palms on my shaking trembling leg that i didn't even notice.

"Its alright!" She whispers, yet I only nodded with a slight smile, I'm hideous.

The door clicks as she walks out, looking pale and emotionless, she was about taking another step but slumps, luqman who was by the door quickly grabs her so she couldn't fall.

It got me more pissed that he can't just let go of her or make her stand, but instead i tried to calm my temper and walks over to her. "We should go home, you need some rest" i said reaching for her arm she quickly wrench it away from me with so much anger, yet i didn't react. I know mother was to be watching us and everyone.

I sent Luqman this dead glare to know that I am really pissed right now and no attempt to letting her go, soon I foun her falling into my arms as i quickly warped her into it. I bitted them a goodnight as we start to head out. She stops. "M...my car!"

"Halima will bring it for you, let's go..."

The moment I had her seated on the front seat and I went over to the drivers seat, no one said a thing like always untill she drifted into a sound sleep. I could see the dark circles under her eyes, even with the light makeup she had, it was still visible, the cheek bones have rised and looking myself at the mirror, it was the opposite.

"Mama" she mutters as i lay her on the bed, she kept rolling to the otherside. I can't have her sleep like this in this situation she is in, at least i should try and ease it a bit, until i had no choice than to be with her for the night, she swish into my arms immediately inside into the duvet and it felt strange. I slowly reaches for her shoulder as I embraces her closer to me hoping, it helps to ease the trauma.
The subhi (dawn prayer) has been called and it immediately woke me up, she has left my body and was cuddled by the duvet so i quickly and slowly left the bed, she has an alarm that used to wake her up and i headed to the mosque to pray.

I met Yusuf along the way as we made it on time to follow the Imam (leader) to pray, I had my forhead on sujud and keep praying to Allah to give me a soft heart, I kept asking for forgiveness. Sometimes I do things knowingly and unknowningly and I end up regreting it.

By the time I returned, I met her praying on the mat in her favorite position, palms placed side by side I was glad that she was better but i had to behave like it doesn't give a damn and went over to the Sofa, while she was done she went back to sleep after pinging her phone for a few Minutes.

"You should probably eat something!" I walk into the room with Maimuna holding a tray of fried chips, hot nescafe and egg sauce.

She drinks the nescafe now and not me? She even stops me from taking the green tea.

She nodded silently and starts to eat, I watch her closely yet she didn't even wished to look at me, so i decided to ask her why? Why she didn't go to her family. "Why? You had all the opportunity to see them but you chose not to"

She pause sipping in the nescafe and dropping the cup back. "Why you ask? I had to do what my mother says, I can't come home until you approve it"

"Then why didn't you ask me?"

"Because even if I don't, I thought you'd want to see them yourself, if you so much loved your mother, you would know how to treat your wife better. I'm tired, I'm tired of having to put up an argument with you, you won't just understand. Pretending won't last forever khalil" she answers standing up and heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" I quickly asked but she just shook her head. "I want to see my mother, can i go now?" She begs, I felt a sudden gavity weighting me,  but I just gave her a smile which I've never shown her and her eyes widen due to the sudden surprise that i was smiling at her.

"I got called this morning that she was discharged, so you can go see her at home," I approved and she nodded.

"Thank you..." And she was out of my sight, letting out a loud stressing sigh as I sat on the comfy bed picturing how we slept yesterday, if I could just stop being harsh on her and agree to faith. Everything will fall into place some day.

There you go!
You like it? I love Khalil but not as much as Luqman or Arif🥴🥴

Which Character do you like more and who actually defines your personality a little???

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