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The next morning, she had taken her bath immediately she woke up around 8. Maimuna had also arrived around that time and helped her remake a new pap adding the herbs inside.

While Setting him up in a sitting position, he frown. "For how long will i be talking this?"

"For as long as you are not feeling fine" she answered, getting seated beside him.

"Then, i'm fine!" He blurts, turning away.

She scoffs, "I'm more matured than you when I'm sick, if you are fine the doctor won't have to come give you injection" he quickly sat up as the mention of injection.

"Why do i have to take injection, its not fair!" He groans.

She rolled her eyes sighing. "Yup! I should be older than you, now drink up" she motioned him to drink, and he drank half cup as yesterday. "Is that the only thing i'll eat?" He wonders.

She nodded, "yup! The smell of food will make you throw up"

"How long will i be laying like this?"

"Until you finished your injections, when its circulate in your system you would be able to leave the bed, because you would be stronger and you won't feel dizzy and disgusted by the smell of food. I'm sorry but bare with it a bit!" She explained, giving him the pity face and he hates to be so pathetic.

He lays back, staring at the ceiling while she cleans up and is ready to dash out he spoke. "My cousin brother would be coming today from England, and his too flirty." he mentioned and she paused.

"And why do i have to know?"

"He would be staying here,"

She furrowed her brows "Why your house?"

"Do you always have to question me?"

She pressed her lips together and thought. 'No, its your house after all!'

"I don't care, i just hope i won't be pissed, the doctor is on his way!" And she walks out, leaving him obnoxious to her behaviour.

Aisha, in the other hand just bangs into the house getting Summayyah and Mainuna startled as they both rushed to the door. She halt immediately she sees Aisha, she wonders what brought her here and just banging into people's house like that.

"Where is My Khalil!" She sang walking towards Summayyah. "Y...your..."

Wait a sec, did she just say her Khalil!

"His sick!" She answered through clenched teeth.

She can't possibly say her Khalil...

Aisha kisses her gum. "I know and i want to see him".

"You can't go into his room just like that!" Summayyah snapped and Aisha scoffs. She eyes her and tried to walk in but summayyah quickly push her back.

Aisha staggers, almost falling on her butt but she didn't. "Are you crazy!" She yells stabling herslef.

"Stay in your lane!" Summayyah warns, pointing her finger at her.

"And what if...?"

"He married me and not you, so watch it!" She clicks her fingers to Aisha's face.

"Ha!" Aisha sways, unbelievable at Summayyah's words and action. "What gives?" She yells stamping on her feet.

"Summayyah!" Khalil calls coughing out, they both panic heading to the room but Summayyah stops Aisha on track and shook her head, motioning her to stay back.

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