Chapter 32: Maybe there is

Start from the beginning

"Well, there's gotta be something here we're missing, right?" Alexis asks.

"Except he's got this one locked file on his computer that.......Hold on. Not anymore. God."

"What?" Dean drops the magazine as he and Alexis move to see the screen.

"Uh, he has all these emails. Dozens. To this lady named Jennifer." Sam clicks on one of the emails. "This lady who's 13 years old."

"Aww, I don't wanna hear this."

"That's disgusting." Alexis mutters.

"Looks like they met in a chat room." Sam says. "These emails are pretty personal, Dean. Look at that. Setting up a time and place to meet."

"Great." Dean remarks sarcastically.

"They were supposed to meet today."

"Huh." Dean walks around the desk. "I guess if you're gonna stab someone, good timing. I don't know, man, this is weird, you know. Sure, some spirits are out for vengeance, but this ones almost like a do-gooder. Like a--"

"Avenging Angel?" Sam suggests.

Alexis shrugs. Maybe it was. She never quite knew what she believed. Maybe there was a higher power out there somewhere. Dean rolls his eyes.

"Well, how else do you explain it, Dean?" Sam asks.

Dean holds his arms out in an 'I don't know' gesture.

"Three guys, not connected to each other, all stabbed through the heart? At least two were world class pervs. And I bet if you dug deep enough in the other guy--"



"You said Carl Gulley was a church goer, right?"


"What was the name of his church?"

"Uh, Our Lady of the Angels?"

"Of course it'd be that name. Looks like Frank went to the same church." Dean hands Sam a flyer.

"So even the perverts have their own church." Alexis sighs.


"You're interested in joining the parish?" Father Reynolds asks.

"Yeah, we just don't feel right unless we hit church every Sunday." Dean answers.

"Where did you say you lived?"

"Uh--" Sam starts.

"Premont, Texas." Alexis says.


"Really, that's a nice town. St. Theresa's parish. You must know the priest there."

"Sure, yeah. No, its, uh, Father O'Malley." Dean nods.

"Hmm, I know a Father Shaughnessy."

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