Chapter 23

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Kade's Pov

It was late, and it was still unclear to me why I was stationed outside of Aubrette's house when I could have been back home, attempting to reverse my mistakes. Maybe reverse was the wrong word, there was nothing that I could do to bring back Mike.
But you could be holding Candice, instead your here, fighting a losing battle for some half faerie girl you hardly know.
For the past hour it was decided, I was going to kill the half faerie girl and present her to my father in the form of a dead human body. I was going to do the unthinkable and break whatever chain I was entrapped in that leashed me to her. I hadn't been able to sleep since the day I was introduced to Aubrette's existence. She had marched into my life and unknowingly flipped it upside down, like the true wicked faerie she was. I had stayed up, confined completely to my chaotic and undecided thoughts. I could hardly bear the thought of hurting Aubrette, let alone killing her. The idea that she must have been my mate floated around in the midst of my brain. To murder her would be a crime, only because she was half mortal. I remembered what the trow had said that night by Deadwood Creek.
'The human girl has royal blood ,her fate is forethought.'

My concerns should not be consumed with the worry about whether Aubrette lives or dies, clearly that is being taken care of already by the folk. My worry was to ensure I present my father with something. It was clear as day, that I could not present to him a faeries ashes in hopes of fooling him again into thinking it is Aubrette. He knew of her secret, and he demanded a corpse. I wondered if the trow-Jack-would come back for her now that she is not with the protection of Caleb. If so, my plan would be to demand more answers from him and then to kill him. I could not let them have Aubrette this early, I simply needed more time. I need to kiss her, I thought, like grandmother had with her mate. That's the only way I'll know for sure, and then, I will decide.

I remembered my grandmothers words and wondered if it would be the same for me. I certainly hoped not.
'I kissed to her make sure that she was indeed my mate, and she was. She lifted me off of the ground. For the first time in my life, I felt what it was like to fly without ever leaving earth.'

I asked myself if I would rather be a traitor or a murderer.
I have already coated the soils of the riverbank with sugar and dapperling mushrooms. The combination of the two is fatal, making it nearly impossible for a faerie to survive it. Either way, I'll be there with Ferrum if needed. I was going to fend off whatever creatures comes for Aubrette for now, just until I had an answer to my question. I asked myself again, would you rather be a traitor or a murderer?
The sky was settling into sable and there hadn't even been a cricket that noised. This time was chillingly silent. My parky to touch metal timer indicated that the time was half past five in the morning

I sat up at the sight of her. Now outside of her porch, the girl held a leash made of rope attached to the small dog I had seen her with previously. She continued down the steps and paused to a halt every few minutes to let the animal sniff around the bushes. I watched as she leaned down to pet the dog, even in distance I could see the admiration in her eyes. The animal began to whine at something, and Aubrette leaned further to get a closer look.

"What did you find?" Her voice was sweet although far. In her hands she picked up a what seemed to be an injured bird,"I think it needs our help."

Aubrette returned to her steps where she laid the bird down and sat herself. She tied the dog to the nearby wooden barrier. From here, I could not tell what was wrong with the bird, I could only wonder what she intended to do to help. I watched as she gently parted the feathers of its wings and began to retrieve something black in colour. It seemed to be a piece of plastic.
The bird had something stuck in its wings.
Both the dog and I watched in fascination as she rescued the poor helpless creature. It rose to its feet and bid Aubrette goodbye with a flutter of its healed wings. Shorty after, the bird soared through the sky and out of sight.
"We did it," Aubrette celebrated with the dog and I felt my heart skip a beat. I chased away the image of kissing her. I wondered if part of her knew that she was special, she must have used her faerie magic to help the bird although unknowingly.

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