"Oh, Loki." I sighed seeing him that way.

He laid against the wall, his long black hair a mess. His clothes not perfectly fit to his body like usual.

    "Now you see me, sister, brother." Loki said as Thor walked around to the center of our cages, able to see and speak with us both. "Did she suffer?" He asked sincerely.

    "I did not come to share our grief." Thor informed him. "Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament."

    "Go on." Loki said.

    "I know you seek vengeance as much as we do. You help us escape Asgard and I will grant it too you. Vengeance and afterward, this cell."

    "It's a good bargain, Loki." I pointed out and he began to chuckle.

    "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?" Loki asked.

    "I don't." Thor replied quickly. "Mother did. Y/n still has some faith in you as well. But you should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray us and I will kill you."

    "Hmm." Loki grinned as Thor's threat came to an end. "When do we start?"

    "Now." I grinned as Thor opened my cage first. I quickly moved and hugged my brother before standing beside him as he opened Loki's cage.

Thor gave Loki and I a change of clothes and once we were ready, we rushed up the dungeon stairwell and out to the halls of Asgard.

    "Ah, this is so unlike you, Brother." Loki said gladly, walking beside us. "You I'd expect something like this from. Are you sure it's not your plan?" He asked looking at me and I flipped him off making him chuckle. "So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?"

    "If you keep speaking, I just might." Thor grumbled.

    "I second that." I huffed.

    "Fine. As you both wish." Loki agreed. "I'm not even here." He smirked and shape changed himself into one of the Asgardian Guards. "Is this better?"

    "You are truly obnoxious." I pointed out trying to hide my grin at my mischievous brother. I'm still mad at him.

    "We could be less conspicuous." Loki cracked a grin and he changed back into himself. "Mmm, brother you look ravishing."

I turned to see the brother on my other side, Loki had changed to look like Sif. I let out a snort of amusement and Thor looked down at his body.

    "It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form. Y/n stop encouraging him." Thor scolded.

    "Sorry." I coughed trying to get out the last of my laughter.

    "Very well. Perhaps, you'd prefer one of your new companions given that you seem to like them so much. Especially you." Loki winked at me and I raised a brow at him as we continued to move through the halls.

Loki suddenly changed into Steve in his Captain America outfit. Oh how I missed him... It's been a year since I had seen him last. I couldn't help but think about Steve and then Peter as well. My mind raced with thoughts of which of them was the better option for me. Which one pulled my heart to theirs and would hold mine like they should. Like my mother had taught me... Thinking of Mother made me upset...

    "Oh, this is much better." Loki said in Steve's voice. "Ooh. The costumes a bit much. So tight. But the confidence... I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey! Wanna having a rousing discussion about truth? Or perhaps I could take you out for coffee sometime."

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