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2 years later

Pedri's pov:

Next morning Vali went to the dance course so I was alone with my little princess. I was still laying in bed and I heard that she tried to open the door, so I got up and opened.

"Good morning dada" she smiled at me and I picked her up.

"Good morning my beautiful angel" I kissed her on her cheek. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes, dada."

"Okay, let's make you some food and then we will both get dressed and we will go to your grandparents."

"Yaaay" she got super happy.

I saw that Vali made us breakfast. "Look Val, mommy made us a breakfast, she's an angel."

"Dada, what's this?" she handed me a note.

"I will read it to you. 'Good morning mis amores, I made you breakfast. Have an amazing morning, I will have to stay a bit longer at work, I am sorry. I love you both so much'."

"Aww, mommy is so sweet."

"She is. Alright sweetie, let's eat and get ready, we will have exciting day hopefully."

We ate our breakfast and I helped Val get changed and then I changed myself. We brushed our teeth and I packed some things for her.

"Alright sweetie. Do we have everything?"

"No dada."

"What we don't have? Some of your toys ?"

"A big hug."

"You want a big hug? Alright then" I gave her the biggest hug and I gave her some kisses on her cheek. She started laughing. "Ready to go?"

"Yes" she said and she took my hand.

I put her in the car and I give her toy that she likes the most. She has a toy from Gavi and she is always taking everywhere with her.
When we arrived, Val was a bit shy, but when she saw Gavi she ran up to him and he picked her up. We all started laughing.

"We know who's her favourite" I said. "Hi guys. Can I speak to you for a moment?" Valeria's parents walk to the kitchen with me.

"So what do you want to talk about?"  Pablo asked me.

"Well, I am so nervous to tell you this. But I thought that it's time for me to ask you if I can marry your daughter. Will you give me your permission ?"

"We gave you our permission" they both said and hugged me.

We all went to the living room where was Gavi playing with my daughter.

"How did it go?" Gavi asked, but I am sure he knew the answer based on my face.

"Well, they agreed, now one last thing. Mi amor can you come to me ?" I asked Val and she sat on my lap. I put my arms around her.

"You know that I love your mommy so much, right?"

"I do dada."

"Will you give me your permission to marry your mommy?"

"It's about time" she said and we all started laughing.

"Okay, you can now go to uncle Gavi."

They played for a bit and then we went home. My mom, dad and my brother came to visit us.

"Mom, dad and Fer. Listen to me please, today at Camp Nou, I am going to propose to Vali. Everyone knows, my teammates, Xavi, you, her parents and our daughter."

"Finally mi hijo" my mom hugged me and the rest joined us.

It was the time. Our game was coming up, we all got dressed.

"Hi mi amor, are you okay? You seem to be nervous."

"Aah, it's big game, you know" I lied.

"Oh, okay. But you don't need to be nervous."

We arrived at the Camp Nou. I got to the dressing room and everyone were smiling at me.
The game started and after 15 minutes Lewa scored a goal, I had an assist. In another half I scored and I did my celebration for my girls. The match ended 3:1 for us.
Vali and my daughter were with me on the pitch after the game.

"Val, honey... Can you go to uncle Gavi? Me and mommy need to talk."

"Of course dada" she said and she ran to Gavi.

"She's an angel" I said with smile on my face.

"You were amazing. Me and Val were screaming when you scored."

"Thank you my love."

"What did you wanted to talk about?" she asked all confused.

"Well... Vali, listen to me. We went through so many different moments together, we argued, we laughed, we cried, we struggled and so many others situations. I never thought that I would be this happy, but you gave me all of that. You gave me everything you could, your love, happiness, our daughter, but there is one thing that I still don't have" I kneeled down.

"What are you doing?" she laughed.

"Will you marry me Vali?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" she burst into tears. I put the ring on her finger and I immediately got up to hug her. I cried a bit too, because I was was so happy.

It didn't take a while and Gavi jumped on us. Just a normal Gavi thing. The rest of the team came to give us a group hug.
Everyone congratulated us and lastly our daughter came to hug us.

"Mommy will you show me the ring?"

"Of course my little princess. Here look."

Everyone left and we heard Ferran. "They're getting married, they're getting married" he was again singing and jumping like a little goat.

Then Xavi came to us. He hugged me and then Valeria.

"Congratulations kids. I am so happy for you."

"Thank you so much coach " I said and smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Look at you. You are getting bigger" Xavi said and as he wanted to touch her, she got scared and ran to hide behind my leg.

"It's okay darling, look that's my coach" I said and I turned to Val. She slowly walked in front of me.

She took my hand. "Hello sir."

"Hello little princess. Anyway I will leave you guys alone, again congratulations and enjoy the rest of the night."

"Thank you" we both said and watched Xavi leave.

"Mommy, I am tired" Val said rubbing her eyes.

"Don't worry honey, daddy will go change and after that we are going to home and sleep,okay?"

"Yeah" she picked her up and we left.

In love with brother's best friend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora