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I went downstairs with my suitcase and saw my boyfriend watching TV. I came closer to him to tell him that I have decided to visit my family for little longer.

"I'm thinking about my family a lot lately. I really miss them and I going to visit them. I will be gone for two months. I don't have any dance classes for two months. And I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I forgot to wash your clothes. I am so sorry, I know you need it for tomorrow, but you can still put it into washing machine."

"Yeah, whatever," he said and didn't even looked at me.

"Bye, I am going to miss you" I said and came to give him a kiss.

"Can you move? I can't see what's going on" he said and pushed me gently away so he can watch TV. "Great, I didn't saw it" he said angrily and I left without saying a word.

 "Great, I didn't saw it" he said angrily and I left without saying a word

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

valgavira Guess where I am going
❤️ 234 083 💬 50 280

pablogavira: Home 👀
valgavira: 👀👀

aurorapaegz: On vacation with us?
valgavira: 👀

siramartinezc: To visit me and ferrantorres ?
ferrantorres: Will you valgavira ?
valgavira: 👀
siramartinezc: Stop playing!

I was at the airport and my boyfriend called me.

"Where are you? I am looking for you everywhere. You didn't told me you're going out."

"I told you that I am visiting my family and that I am going to be there for two months. You weren't listening to me again" I replied a bit angrily.

"You did not tell me that! How would I not know? You are making look as a bad guy again."

"You were watching TV while I was telling you about it. Anyway did you put your training clothes into the washing machine?"

"You didn't do that yesterday? Great, I told you that I am going to need it tomorrow."

"And I told you that I wasn't feeling well. If you just listened once!" and I hung up. I was so mad at him. He called me again and again and again.

"What?" I said and was a bit worried about what thing he will say now.

"Valeria I am sorry, okay ?"

"Okay, I love you" I said and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. You too" he said and hung up.

I finally went to my flight and I couldn't be more excited to go home. This break for me and Jake is going to help us.

In love with brother's best friend Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin