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Next morning I was awake sooner than Pedri. I was a bit shy to go downstairs alone without him, but he slept so long so I had no choice.

"Slept good darling?" his mom asked me.

"Yes, I did. Thank you so much Mrs. González."

"Is Pedri still sleeping?" she asked and went to the living room.

"He is."

I started making breakfast, first for Pedri and then for me. I left to the bathroom real quick and when I got back I found Fer eating Pedri's food. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"You are eating your brother's breakfast" I laughed.

"That's delicious. I am sure he will not mind. He should have been here sooner than me" he laughed too.

I made Pedri another one and went upstairs to wake him up. I didn't wanted to wake him up when I saw him sleeping so peacefully, but I had to.

"Good morning my love. Come on, you have to wake up. Pedri, I made you breakfast" I kissed him on his forehead.


"Come on, get up or I am gonna start tickling you" I said and he immediately got up.


"I love your hihi" he made fun of it and he kissed me. "Alright let's go."

We went downstairs and Pedri hugged his mom and brother.

"Where is papa?" he asked and went to get his breakfast.

"He went to help grandma, you should go there too. She hasn't seen for so long."

"Yes, we will go there, but we won't stay for a night. I have training tomorrow."

"Yeah, but just go there. She will be happy to see you."

We ate breakfast, got dressed and got ready to leave.

"Next time you're taking Valeria with you again or I will not let you in the house."

"Same. I will not let you if you don't bring Val again. She cooked you, I mean she cooked me delicious food."


"Sí mamá" he said and grabbed our things and put it into his car. Then he hugged his mom and brother. We said our goodbyes.

Pedri as usual opened the door for me. And we went to his grandma's house. Pedri ranged on the door bell. And Ana opened the door.

"Hii Pedri" she pulled him into hug, but he had his arms down, he didn't wanted to hug her and as she was hugging him, she looked at me, I just smiled even though I was annoyed a bit.

"We meet again" she fake smiled at me and I did the same thing.

"Come on mi amor, let's go inside" he took my hand and we went inside. He took my jacket and hung on the hanger.

"How was your journey?" Ana tried to get Pedri's attention.

"Fine" he said and went to look for his grandma. "Hello mi abuela, I have someone with me" he hugged her.

"Hello sweetheart, show me."

"Hello, I am Valeria" I introduced myself.

"She is my beautiful girlfriend" he said and put his arm around me. I could see Ana getting jealous.

"Take a seat kids. I will go get you something."

"No, you don't have to. I will" Pedri went to get something.

"Valeria, can I talk to you?" Ana said and grabbed my hand and took me to another room before I answered. "I warned you, didn't I? I want you to stay away from him! I want him and that means that I have to destroy my little competition."

"I am not afraid of you" I said and smiled at her.

"Just wait until you're here for the night. It will be your nightmare. I will make sure of it."

"I am not afraid as long as I am here with Pedri. He will always make sure that I am okay and he will be most of the time with me" I said and walked away.

"There you are. I was telling mi abuela about you" he said and I went to sit next to him. He put his arm around me and kissed me on my cheek.

"Hope only good thing hihi" he turned at me and smiled. He put my hair out of my face.

"So darling, you're a dance teacher?"

"Yes, I am teaching kids and teenagers. Mostly this categories go to my course. But of course adults can too."

"So you must be good with kids."

"With kids yes, but I don't think I am good with babies."

"That has every girl in herself. When you two are planning kids?" his grandma asked and Pedri laughed.

"Let's just relax here. We are together just for 4 months. And we are too young and busy."

"Yes, I do agree with Pedri."

We kept talking and we stayed until
5 pm. Then Pedri took me to my house and went to his house. I spended time with Gavi and Aurora. We watched movie together.

In love with brother's best friend Where stories live. Discover now