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I woke up and went downstairs as usual. Pedri and Gavi were already in the kitchen. When Pedri saw me, he ran to me and kissed me on my the cheek.

"You can kiss normally. You know..." Gavi said and Pedri kissed me.

"I made you breakfast Vali" Pedri said and he was playing with my hair.

"Thank you my love."

We went eat and after that I took them to Camp Nou.

"Bye Gavi, good luck" I said and I hugged him.

I hugged Pedri and I kissed him. "I will both take you home, so we will call later. Good luck my love, bye."

"Thank you my princess. Bye."

I went to hang out with Sira and then I went to dance studio. I was dancing and as I was dancing and I did something with my ankle. I could step on it, but it hurted pretty badly. I cried because of the pain. I didn't know who to call, Pedri and Gavi were away, mom, dad and my sister went to my grandma's house. I didn't have much choice and I called Sira. She took an uber and drove me with my car to hospital.
We waited for two hours. After three hours we left the hospital. I left with crutches. Doctor told me that my ankle will be okay and I could be able to walk in 14 days and that for one week I can't step on it. He also told me that I should take it slow and not to dance for two months. I cried because I couldn't dance anymore.

"Don't you want to call your boyfriend?" Sira asked me.

"I think it will be great idea."

I took my phone, I found Pedri's number and called Pedri.

"Hi mi amor, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Pedri asked me all worried. I turned my camera and showed him the crutches. "Oh my-. My princess are you okay? What happened? What you have with it?"

"I was dancing and I twisted my ankle. I can't take you home. I am so sorry."

"Poor angel. Get home and get some rest. Don't worry about us. We will sort it out. We will immediately come to you."

"You know that I still can't believe that you're dating Pedri?" Sira said to me.


"I don't know, I mean you're cute together and I am really happy for you. But I never thought that he's gonna ask you. I thought he will be scared to do that because of your brother. I mean they are best friends."

"Yeah, I thought so too, but I Gavi understands us. Mom and dad believe that he's a bit worried that he might loose his best friend, but I don't believe it, their bromance is stronger than anything. I am really happy that Gavi is having Pedri as his best friend. Pedri is really caring, very kind, funny and I could keep talking."

valgavira I am so sorry guys I have to cancel the courses 😞 I twisted my ankle and I can't dance for some time

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valgavira I am so sorry guys I have to cancel the courses 😞 I twisted my ankle and I can't dance for some time. I am truly sorry. I will be in touch with you. I am so sorry again.

❤️ 389 689

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Sira helped me to get on the couch. We watched our boys playing. After that she cooked me a dinner and then we got some snacks.
When she was about to leave, she got me things that I will need and then she left.  After some time I went to sleep.

In love with brother's best friend Where stories live. Discover now