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The next day Pedri had to get ready for the match, but he was still sleeping.

"Hi mi amor, get up, you have to go get ready. I made you breakfast."

"Do I really have to?" he mumbled and tried to sleep again.

"Haha, you do need to."

"Are you sure that you will be okay here?"

"Yes, I will be with my parents."

"I can stay with you."

"Hahaha, you need to focus on football. I am okay."

"You're right, I will go get ready" he said and got out of the bed.

We went downstairs and we had breakfast together. Then I helped him get ready so he doesn't take so long. 

"Alright, bye mi amor. You will have to call me, so I know that you're okay."

"Bye Pepi, good luck. Of course I will" I said and I kissed him. He went to his car and I watched him leave.

I got back to the house and I cleaned. When I was finished I went shopping to get groceries that we need and then I went to my parents house.

"Hi, anyone home ?"

"Hi honey" mom came to me and hugged me. "How are you my sweetheart?"

"I am fine, how are you?"

"I am good. Pedri called me. He said that yesterday you felt sad and that you cried l. He wants me to keep eye on you."

"He told you?"

"Yes, he is so sweet, he actually cares about you."

"Of course he does. He made my day ten times better. He helps me a lot when I need him."

"I am so happy for you. To be honest I couldn't stand Jake. He was weird and he didn't even bother to care about you. Pedri is completely opposite of him."

"With Pedri, everything is different" I smiled at her. "Mom, I am going to my old room, if you need anything just tell me."

"Of course honey."

I went to my old room and I turned the TV on. When the match was about to start I changed my top for Pedri's jersey. I was watching the boys, mom came to join me. Then my dad came and joined us. It was so much fun with them.

Next morning I went back and I was watching Tv.

"Hola mi amor, I kinda did something, but don't turn around..." Pedri said so I listened.

"What did you do? You know that this is not comfortable for me to speak to you without looking at you."

"Well, I went to a barber and I have new haircut" he said proudly.

"Oh my-"

"Before you turn around just let me explain. You told me if I get a haircut that I will sleep on the couch. So I decided to shave my head."

"What?" I turned around and I saw him.

He started laughing so hard. "Haha, I got you."

"That wasn't funny, but you did get a haircut."

"You should have seen yourself, haha."

"Well, I would prefer better greeting than this" I said and I came closer to him. I kissed him and he smiled.

"Sorry, I just kinda had to."

"No, you did not. Well, I still think that for this you will be sleeping at the couch."

"You would do that to me?"

"Haha, yes if you didn't bother to do this to me, why wouldn't I?. I like your hair just the way it is. It looks pretty on you."

"Thank you mi princesa."

For the rest of the day we were just resting.

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