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Gavi's pov:

I showed Val where to go, she hugged me and wished us good luck. Me and Pedri continued walking to the changing rooms and chatting.

"I am happy for you Gavi" Pedri said and smiled at me. I was very confused.

"Thank you ,but what are you talking about?" I asked him, because I had no idea what he meant by that.

"I am talking about your girlfriend" he said and put his hand around my shoulder. "You look so happy around her."

I laughed a bit. "Pedri, that's my sister. She is living in UK with her boyfriend and now she finally came to visit my family. She is staying for two months."

"Oh, sorry. I thought it was your girlfriend, because you really looked happy, opened the doors for her and I don't know what else" he laughed and felt awkward.

"It's okay, you just didn't have chance to get to know her yet. If you will get to know her more, you will find out that she is very amazing girl. Just her boyfriend doesn't see that" Gavi said annoyed.

"Why is she still with him if he doesn't appreciate her?"

"I don't know, but I feel bad for her. Her boyfriend doesn't even bother to open the door for her or do something little for her. She deserves so much better, but she doesn't see that" he said a bit sadly. "Anyway let's get ready for training."

"Yeah, right. We definitely should."

We got ready and went training. A lot of people were watching us. Xavi came and told us what to do. Then we started training. Lots of fans were cheering for us.
After training we signed some jerseys, balls and phone cases to our fans. We took photos with them. I looked if my sister was still there. And smiled at her. I went to the changing room and changed into my regular clothes.
I met my sister outside and I hugged her.

"You were absolutely amazing" she said to me while I was hugging her.

"Thanks" I smiled. "You don't even know how much I am happy to have you here. I really missed you."

"I missed you too Gavi. I am glad that I am back home. I can't wait to see others" as she was saying that Pedri was walking closer to us.

"Hi, you played amazing" she said to Pedri.

"Thank you" he said and smiled at her. Both were a bit blushing. I could see that. I didn't say a word.

I opened the door for my sister and Pedri drove us home.

"See ya tomorrow" I said to Pedri and he waved at us.

We went to our house and watched movie together.


"Yeaah?" she turned on me.

"Are you happy there with Jake? And please be honest with me."

She went quiet and got sad. "No, I am not. In the beginning we were really happy and everything was great, but now I feel like he doesn't even understand me. He doesn't care about me aand we argue a lot. I think spending two months here is the best decision, maybe it will help us" she started crying.

"Hey, come here. I am sorry that I brought that up. I just needed to know. I care about you a lot and you haven't talked about it with me" I hugged her. "Let's go sleep, you look really tired." I gave her my hand to help her get up and we both went to upstairs.

"Goodnight sis, love you" I said and she smiled.

"Goodnight Pablo, love you too"

We both went to our bedroom and went to sleep.

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