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Next morning we argued. I packed my things and went home. I was about to cry, but I tried to be strong so he doesn't see me crying. I made him mad.
As I was walking car stopped near me. It was Pedri.

"Val. I will take you home."

"I will walk, thanks."

"Don't be silly. I will take you, get in."

"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked.

"I am, but it doesn't mean that I should let you walk alone. It's dangerous and something could happen to you."

The whole ride no one said anything. He drove me home.

"Thank you" I said and went home.

"Hey sis, are you okay?" Gavi was in the living room.

"Hi, I am fine."

"No, you aren't. What's wrong?"

"Me and Pedri had our first bigger fight, because of me."

"I am sorry, it will be okay."

"It's fine."

I went to my room. I felt sad and I was overthinking everything. Gavi came to me. Without saying anything, he just came and hugged me.
After two hours I went to dance to escape from my problems. I practiced different choreographies.

One day later I was laying in the bed sad and Gavi came again.

"Hi Val, Pedri wanted to make sure that you're okay" Gavi said and hugged me.

"Hi, yeah I am fine. Thank you for being here for me."


When I was done laying in bed, I went to the dance studio.

Two days later I went again to the dance studio. I was there pretty often.  Then someone opened the door, I went to look who it is because I thought it was one of the coaches, but I saw Pedri with flowers.

"I am so sorry. I don't like fighting with you. These are for you."

"No, don't apologise. It was definitely my fault. I shouldn't have brought that up. I am so sorry."

"Come here mi amor" he said and hugged me.

He handed me the flowers and he watched me dance, then he joined me. It was fun to dance with him. We laughed a lot. It was really special.
After that he went home and me too. There was Gavi with Bells.

"Umm, what?"

"Your friend asked if you could look after her baby for two hours, so I said that you will."

"Do you know why?"

"Of course not, I haven't asked her. When she comes back you can ask her."

"Hii Bells, are you a good girl?" I took her hand. "Haha, she likes you" I said and he smiled.

"Anyway, I need to go to the training" he gave me Isabella.

"Okay, have fun bro."

"Thank you sis."

I took Bells upstairs. I played with her and mom and dad left to their date. After few minutes she fall asleep. And I watched Tv. I fed her and got her ready. Dani came to pick her up.

"Thank you" she said and hugged me.

"You're welcome."

"I have job now. I can work from home."

"Congratulations. I am so happy for you."

"Val, you are amazing. The support I have from you is special. I really appreciate it."

"It's nothing at all. I do it for you and Bells."

"Alright, I should go."

"Bye Dani, bye Bells."

I did nothing all day. I watched movies, I was dancing in my room and cooking.

In love with brother's best friend Where stories live. Discover now