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I was in Uk and took and uber to drive to my house. I was really nervous to see Jake after almost two months.
I was outside of my house and went in. I was looking where Jake could be. I found him in our bedroom.

"Hi my love" I said and I kissed him.

"Uh, hey. You're here earlier than I expected."

"Yeah about that... We need to talk..."

"Oh, I see what you're doing! You are going to tell me that you cheated on me with that weird guy and you want move out, right? "

"No, you are the one who cheated on me!" I said and I was really mad.

"Really? It was a fan! I mean, I get it. I am pretty and everything and I can have every girl I want, but I didn't cheated on that pic."

"If you keep treating them like you treat me, I don't think they will stay with you. Look Jake at the beginning it was nice, but look at us now, we only fight. You don't pay attention to me. You don't do anything for me! And I can't be in relationship with someone who doesn't even try to work out these problems we have. I don't want to be in relationship where is just one side trying" I was crying.

"Good for you babe, wash my clothes and cook something, I will go out. Good to have you back." He kissed me on my forehead.

"Don't walk away like this! I was talking to you!" and he ignored me.

I immediately went to cut his clothes that he wanted me to wash and put bread on the table as his lunch. I packed my things and left him letter that explained to him that I am breaking up with him and going back home.
I was taking uber back to the airport and I got on my flight home.
I was back at Spain, but I was afraid to go home, because I knew how Gavi would react. I didn't have much options so I knocked on Pedri's door, hoping that he will be home.

Pedri opened the door and saw me. "Hey, what happened? Why aren't you in Uk?" as he hugged me, he took me to his house and closed the door.

"Pedri... I broke-, I broke up with him."

"Hey, shh. It will be okay. Let's go on the couch. Does your brother know?"

"No, can I stay at your house for a week? He doesn't even know I am back here. I just need some time, but I will tell him" I was still crying.

"Sure thing. But isn't it bad decision to hide from him these two important things? I mean he always is by your side and you both are really close to each other."

"I know it's bad, but I just can't show up at my family house looking like this. I just need some time without them. Gavi would get so mad, he was telling me the whole time that Jake is not good for me. Dad would want to kill him with Gavi and I don't want to cope with that for now."

"I understand. I am here for you. Val, don't worry, I won't be trying anything."

"Thank you Pedri for letting me stay here. Thank you for letting me in. Thank you for listening to me. I appreciate you so much" I said and he hugged me.

"I appreciate you too" we both blushed.

Pedri was trying to cheer me up. It really worked. He was trying his best to make me laugh. To be honest, I felt like I was laughing at everything he did. I love his smile. Damn, I really think I am into him more and more every day.

In love with brother's best friend Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat