Chapter 88

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of rape, sexual assault/harassment


"Be careful out there today. Storms are brewing." Carol told me as I pulled on my boots.

"Yeah, it's pretty dark." I muttered as I glanced up at the dark clouds rolling over our heads.

"Marcy's sick." Negan told me as I stepped off of the porch.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as we began walking down to the truck.

"Vomiting." He answered.

"Great. Who else is going?" I inquired.

"Baker." He replied, smirking.

"I'm not going then. Find someone else." I ordered.

"I'm joking. Damn, lighten up. It's just me and you today." He replied as he climbed into the truck.

"Wonderful." I mumbled as I closed the door on my side.

"It's gonna storm." Negan told me as we drove out of Hilltop with Glenn closing the gates behind us.

"Think we should go back?" I inquired, noticing the strong winds.

"It'll be alright. Might keep the walkers at bay." He answered as we drove down the road.

After arriving at the small hardware store, Negan and I made our way inside.

"Empty?" I muttered as I followed Negan inside the quiet store. I gripped my pistol in my hand and followed Negan down to the tool aisle.

"Odd they still have a lot of shit left." Negan stated as he began throwing things into his bag.

"Very." I mumbled as I eyed the fully stocked shelves.

I glanced to the random shelf with sweatshirts before searching for my size. I threw one into my bag before following Negan down a different aisle. 

"You're quiet today." Negan observed as I nearly ran into his back.

"Just tired, I guess." I replied.


I quickly spun around with my pistol before finding an older man at the door with a rifle.

"Guess we're not the only ones needing tools." Negan stated, deciding to make small talk with the stranger.

"No need to aim that thing at me, missy. I ain't gon' hurt ya." The man told me.

"I don't know that." I replied, continuing to aim my gun at him.

"You're right. Ya don't know that. But.. I could have had you shot dead before I even entered the store. Bullet right in the head... brains all over your pal here." He replied, pointing at Negan as he slowly walked away from the door.

"Big storm is brewin'." He stated as he walked the opposite way from us.

Negan and I remained silent while keeping our eyes on him the whole time.

"Do, do, do... de, de, de... A-ha!" He exclaimed after searching for something.

I narrowed my eyes, watching as he walked toward us.

"You two got a camp somewhere?" He asked me and Negan.

"You done? Get your shit and go." I ordered, rudely.

"Can a man not make small talk anymore?" He inquired.

"Take this to the truck." Negan ordered me as he handed me his heavy bag.

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