Chapter 72

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-3rd Person POV- (I've never wrote in 3rd so I'm sure there are many mistakes lol, I'll edit later I just wanted to post since I haven't in a looong time!)

"No!" Tara screamed as she shook Jessica attempting to wake her up after feeling her weak pulse.

"Come on! You made it this far, don't you dare give up now." Tara begged as tears clouded her vision.

"You have a baby to fight for. You have to fight! Come on, Jess!" Tara yelled, attempting to raise her up off of the cold floor.

Tara glanced down the hall where gunfire and screams continued to erupt from downstairs before quickly pulling Jessica into an empty room.

After locking the door and pushing a dresser against it, Tara quickly returned to her knees and pressed her hand against Jessica's pregnant belly, hoping to feel a kick or movement.

"Jessica!" Tara hissed while tapping Jessica's cheek.

"Oh my God." Tara muttered, noticing the blood drooling out of Jessica's mouth.

Tara ran to the small window and quickly raised it before shoving her top half outside.

"Up here! Get the ladder!" Tara screamed down at the small group of survivors.

Two coughs fell from Jessica's mouth as she slowly rolled over onto her side.

"Jessica! Thank God! Don't move. Help is coming." Tara ordered after quickly running back to her best friend.

"I'm not making it out of here." Jessica croaked as she winced in pain.

"Yes you are. You just got in a little tussle. You're fine, baby is fine, and you are getting out of here." Tara reassured Jessica as she brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"No.." Jessica muttered as she pulled her sleeve up to reveal the walker bite on her forearm.

Tara's eyes widened from the heartbreaking news while all the air left her lungs.

"Don't." Jessica ordered as she watched her friend begin to tear up.

"Is she okay?" Daryl asked as he quickly climbed into the room from the window.

"She can't stand." Tara stated, quickly blinking back the tears.

"Rick and the others are working on their way up. We will work on our way down." Daryl replied as he lifted Jessica up off of the floor.

"Thank God you guys are alive." Carol sighed as she climbed into the room.

Jessica turned her arm over to hide her wound as Daryl carried her out of the room after Tara. Tears pooled in Jessica's eyes from exhaustion, fear, and sadness knowing her time on earth was near over. Sad that her unborn baby wasn't going to make it out either.

"I got ya." Daryl muttered as Jessica's eyes slowly opened again and gazed weakly at Daryl.

The four quickly moved down the hall, stepping over the three walkers Jessica took down on her own to save Tara.

"Where's Negan?" Carol asked Tara.

"He went after Luke and Ed. They attacked Jessica and tried to take... turns." Tara answered before lowering her head briefly.

"Did they?" Carol asked, her tone now sharp.

"No. They beat the shit out of her, then that's when shit hit the fan downstairs. They ran off. They had me tied up in the other room. Jessica found me then we got cornered by walkers that Ed released from the women he attacked this morning." Tara quickly explained.

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