Chapter 61

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"I'd like you to come to White Oak for an exam. Your pulse is still remaining high and we need to make sure that there isn't a life threatening issue with you or baby." Caroline explained as she checked my blood pressure again.

"I feel fine." I replied.

"Until you stand up." She stated as she unwrapped the cuff from my arm.

"I can't walk so how am I supposed to make it there?" I asked.

"I'll arrange a pickup for you. They can bring you back after the exam as well." She replied.

I sighed and briefly closed my eyes before forcing myself to sit up in the bed.

"I want to apologize for any trouble I have caused. My only intentions are to do my job which is to ensure Rick is being properly cared for while he is healing. I'm sorry if I'm the cause for any trouble between you two." Caroline explained.

"It isn't your fault." I replied, sighing.

"Will you go to White Oak?" She inquired as she helped me stand up from the bed.

"Yeah." I muttered, feeling pains in my chest.

"Okay. I will contact them and they should be here within an hour." She replied, opening her medical bag and pulling out a large walkie-talkie.

I watched as she left the room and I slowly followed her out to try and find Rick.

"Jess, sit down." Maggie ordered as her eyes landed on me as I reached the end of the hall.

"Is Rick around?" I asked, leaning against the wall as my heart beat out of my chest.

"I'll get him." Glenn stated as he quickly stood up.

"Jess, you look terrible." Carol muttered as she slowly sat down beside Maggie.

"Caroline thinks I should go to White Oak for an exam." I stated, taking a deep breath before and after my statement.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked, entering the house with a concerned look on his face.

"Will you go with me to White Oak?" I asked.

"Why are you going?" He inquired.

"Caroline thinks she should go. Hell, look at her. She looks like she's dying." Tara stated.

"Thanks." I replied, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Yeah, I'll go. You need to sit down." Rick ordered, wrapping his hand around my arm.

"Got them. They're on their way now." Caroline declared as she entered the living room.

I took another deep breath before stepping forward and trying to make my way to the couch.


"Hi, Mrs. Grimes. I'm Dr. McDaniel." The older lady with a white lab coat stated as she greeted me with a handshake.

"Hi." I replied.

"Caroline has given me a rundown of what's going on. We're going to start with blood work, an EKG, and an abdominal ultrasound to check on baby." Dr. McDaniel explained.

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