Chapter 1

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"You're a liar." I spat at my ex-boyfriend's face.

His hands wrapped around my wrists as he harshly pulled me into his chest.

"You're lying to these people!" I hissed, trying to pull my wrists from his harsh grip.

"Be quiet! It's for everyone's own good." He replied, releasing me.

"Yes, Brian! Dismissing everyone's concerns and lying to them about what is actually going on is good for everyone's own good." I mocked.

"Don't open your mouth." He ordered, pointing his finger at my face.

"You're a sick person." I stated, backing away.

"How so?" He inquired.

"A war is going to break out any day and most of our people are going to die. And you know it. You could prevent it by going and talking to the prison people but you're a coward. A coward like your dead wife!" I snapped, pushing him back as he stepped closer to me.

I watched as he clenched his jaw before turning away from me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said—"

His fist interrupted me and I landed on the wood floor with a thump, feeling extreme pain in my face.

"Martinez!" Brian called out.

I groaned, raising my head up from the floor as the door swung open behind me.

"Make sure she forgets what happened today— she tends to have loose lips." Brian ordered Martinez, his little princess.

"... Her?" Martinez asked.

"Get her out of my face!" Brian yelled.

"I can do it myself." I snapped.

I shook and pulled myself up off of the floor before Martinez could get his hands on me. I stormed into the hallway, passing two women as I left.

"Hey, are you okay?" The blonde woman called after me. I kept my head down and headed for my room, holding back the tears in my eyes.

"This is over tonight." I muttered to myself.

"Hey!" Martinez yelled after me.

I sprinted down the stairs and left the building. I ran down the street toward our communications building with only one thing on my mind.

"Missy!" I yelled, pushing the door open.

"Jess? Oh my God, are you alright?" She asked, greeting me.

"I need the mic." I demanded, speed-walking to her desk.

"You can't—"

I pushed the green button on her desk before grabbing the microphone that connected to the speakers all over town.

"Attention residents of Woodbury!" I spoke into the microphone. I listened as my voice echoed from the speakers around town and everyone began turning to listen to them.

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