Chapter 22

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"Sorry I'm late, but I hope you have an appetite." Spencer greeted me as I opened the door.

"You're in luck because I'm starving." I replied, grabbing my jacket off the coat hanger.

"Awesome." He replied.

"So, does everyone get a special tour or is it just me?" I asked, walking down the street with him.

"Just you." He replied, giving me a smile.

"Well, I feel honored." I joked, zipping my jacket up halfway.

"You left the party early last night." He stated.

"Yeah, I was exhausted." I replied, glancing to where Maggie was sitting on her porch with Glenn.

"Yeah, you guys have had such a journey. I'm sure your exhaustion has caught up to you since you're some where safe and can let your guard down." He replied.

"Yeah, well, I never let my guard down." I stated, turning my head to look at him.

"Do you like karaoke?" He asked.

"No." I answered.

"Well, Margo has Thursday night karaoke here." He stated, pointing to the white house to our left.

"So, have any family here other than your parents and brother?" I inquired.

"No, it's just us. The people here have become my family, though. My ex-girlfriend left this place six months ago." He answered.

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"I don't know. She up and left. Wouldn't talk to me." He muttered.

"What's her name?" I inquired, thinking back to the letter I found.

"Abigail." He replied.

"I think I have something you need to see." I stated, nervously biting my lip.

"What?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I think you should sit down first." I replied, pulling the letter out of my pocket. I watched as he walked over to the bench near us and sat down.

"I found this two days ago. It was in a notebook in my room. I wasn't sure if it was for you, but I know now." I stated, handing him the letter.

I sighed and wondered if I did the right thing by showing him that letter. If Abigail wanted him to see it I'm sure she would've given it to him.

He quietly folded the letter back up and stuck it in his pocket before standing up from the bench.

"It's none of my business but I just happened to come across it. I didn't even know if it was for sure about you until.." I muttered.

"It's okay." He replied, forcing a smile. "I already knew."

"So, what's your favorite thing about this place?" I asked, changing the subject.

"The people." He answered.


"No way! That's hilarious." I told Spencer as I took a sip of wine.

"Definitely the top five funniest moments of my life." Spencer stated, chuckling as he took a sip of his wine.

I glanced down at the blanket on the grass and looked back to the community behind us.

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