Chapter 76

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"You can't fight. You need to stay in here. I won't let anyone near you and Daryl won't let anyone near little Maggie." Negan stated as I pulled my flannel on.

"How well do you know me?" I asked as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"Well enough to know you aren't going to listen to a damn word I say." He replied, studying my eyes.

I strapped my holster around my thigh and pulled my pistol out from under the mattress before placing it in the holster.

"White Oak Memorial Hospital is on lockdown, I repeat, White Oak Memorial is on lockdown. Patients, you must remain in your rooms and—"


"Oh my God!" Janet cried as the gunshot rang out in the speaker above our heads.

"They're already inside." Negan stated.

"I have to get to Magnolia." I replied, pulling my boots onto my feet as Janet walked to the door.

"Get down!" Janet hissed as she turned the light off and locked the door.

"What?" I hissed, quickly pulling my pistol from the holster.

Negan quickly stormed to the door as I leaned against the bed for support as pain began setting in.

Suddenly gunfire began ringing out at the end of the hall and I felt myself become sick. I looked to Janet who held a hand to her mouth as she sat down with her knees to her chest.

"My baby is down there." I stated, feeling tears burning my eyes.

"And Daryl is there too. He's not going to let anything happen to her." Negan muttered as he pushed the drug cart against the door.

"Everyone get down!" Someone yelled from the hallway.

"I'm going to my baby." I snapped as I stepped forward.

"You will die as soon as you leave this room, you hear me?" Negan asked as he gripped my upper arms with his hands.

"My baby will die if I don't get to her." I spat.

"Rick is out there in this same shit and he could very well not make it back, leaving her without a father. If you leave this room, you're leaving your daughter without a mother. Daryl is with her. We will fight back when it's smart to do so." Negan stated as he continued to grip my arms.

I felt tears fall from my eyes as screams from the hall got louder.

"She is going to be fine, Rick's going to be fine, and you're going to be fine. Please just listen to me for once." He ordered as his thumbs gently swept away my tears.

I nodded my head and swallowed the lump in my throat as he pulled me behind a wall with Janet.

"What are you doing?" Janet whispered as Negan pushed the hospital bed against the door before moving the drug cart behind it.

"Buying some time." He whispered back as he locked the wheels.

"Have you ever shot a gun before?" Negan questioned Janet as he lifted his shirt and pulled a smaller pistol from behind his belt.

"Honey, I'm from Texas." Janet hissed as she reached for the pistol.

"Alright then." Negan replied, smirking at her remark.

I watched as Janet began scavenging in the closet before pulling several things out.

"I knew this was here. Here, this is a binder. Put this on, it'll help support your abdomen." She ordered as she handed me a large, black band.

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