Chapter 14

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pictured above: Officer Dawn


I gasped and rose up from the bed, finding myself in a hospital room. I glanced down at my arm, finding an IV in my arm.

After yanking it out of my arm, I stood up from the bed and walked over to the window.

"Oh my God." I muttered, finding myself in Atlanta.

"No, no, no." I rambled, pacing back and forth as I tried to remember what happened.

Walking to camp with Beth. White car. Two men. Dart in leg.

I scavenged the room for a weapon after realizing I was completely defenseless.

Is Beth here? How long have I been here?

After finding the door locked, I quickly began banging on it with my fist.

"Hey! Hey!" I yelled, banging on the door with my fists.

I looked through the window on the door and watched as two people made their way toward me— a woman in police uniform and a man in a white lab coat.

I quickly backed away from the door as it opened and was met by the cop and doctor.

"You need to lay down!" The doctor exclaimed.

"Who are you? Where am I?!" I asked, taking another step back.

"You're in Grady Memorial Hospital here in Atlanta. You were found out on the road with your friend— unconscious with a large laceration to your abdomen." The woman explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows and placed a hand to my stomach, feeling a bandage under my hospital gown.

"Where's my friend? Take me to her, now." I demanded.

"Now just hold on. Dr. Edwards needs to do a quick assessment. You've been out for a while. You had a nasty head injury." The woman replied.

"I'm Dr. Steven Edwards, by the way." The doctor told me as he moved his clipboard into his other hand.

"No shit." I replied, rudely.

"I'm Officer Dawn Lerner. You're safe here, Jessica. Don't worry." The cop stated.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Beth. Now if you don't mind, please have a seat on the bed. I'll do my assessment and you're free to see Beth. You've been out for a few days, you need to take it easy." Dr. Edwards replied.

I looked between the two before slowly backing away to the bed.

"It's lucky we got to you both when we did— seems you two have an enemy. Left you both there for dead. You owe us." Dawn stated as I slowly sat down on the bed.

"That's not what happened— two men—"

"Are you having any pain?" Dr. Edwards asked me.

"No." I answered.

"Great. Take two deep breaths for me." Dr. Edwards ordered as he placed the stethoscope to my back.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked, glancing around the room.

"In laundry. I'll have Beth bring them to you later." She answered.

"You'll remain here until you're fully improved, but hold on, I'll get Beth for you." Dawn stated.

"I can walk." I snapped.

"You know, you should be friendlier. We saved you out there." She replied.

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