The Fight

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Street racing. The adrenaline. The rush. Everything just gets to you.

People think it's all about the car.

Well I'd like to disagree with those idiotic people.

It's about common sense! Well maybe a little bit about the car though.

I mean you can't expect to win a race with a camry against someone with a SSC Tuatara.

It's just not freaking possible. Even if you do have good racing sense. Except you're Dominic Toretto though.

Well, I just happen to have both. Which is what makes me so exceptional at literally everything I do.

After changing, we step out of the locker rooms and head to the middle of the race track where our cars are parked.

(K.D's Racing Outfit)

To get there though, we pass through the stands and the boys call us over

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

To get there though, we pass through the stands and the boys call us over.

"Girls, stunning as ever." Tyrone says looking directly at me.

"Yeah, we know who that was directed to." Khloe laughs.

"Thanks Ty." I drag while pulling Khloe down the stairs with me to avoid any more awkwardness.
As we go, I feel their stares at my backside and when I turn, they all look away except Ryan who glares furiously for a second before turning away.

What crawled up his ass?

After 5 riveting laps, Khloe wins with me 0.5 seconds away. I'm not surprised, she's actually very good but I know she won't let me hear the end of it.

She collects the cash and we walk towards the boys.

"That's how its done, bitch!" she holds the cash bag in front of my face and shakes it.

"Yeah, yeah you did okay today." I dismiss the bag.

"Just okay?? I wasted you, babe."

"Yeah, she totally did." Rodney backs her up.

"For the first time in like, ever." I scoff.

"Oh please..." she drags.

"Anyways, y'all were insane!! Drifting like its no big deal, those guys were steaming!" Rodney says.

"Yeah, pretty slick match, girls." Tyrone says and Ryan also gives us a slight compliment. "So, i've got my match now, do y'all wanna come watch?"

"Um no sorry, me and Rodney have that thing." Khloe says.

"What thi~~" Rodney starts but when he sees Khloe's glare, he quickly rephrases "Yeah, yeah, we've got a thing, sorry bro."

"Alright then, K.D? Ryan?"

"I've got to catch up with a long time friend, catch you later?" Ryan says.

"Yeah yeah. K.D? you've gotta come... please?" Tyrone says and the pleading look in his eyes just makes me want to leave everything and cheer him on. But I know I can't.

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