Meeting Everyone (II)

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I make my way to my first class, Biology and pick a seat in the front like I have always done. Then everyone's phone buzzes, including mine.

I check and see that someone posted the video of me being pushed and kicked to the floor with my almost to tears face. The person also put the caption

"Crybaby nerd issues😳. Nothing we wont see at Seville High😂"

Then everyone starts laughing like the people that they are. Some even start making crying sounds and saying my name. I feel my tears coming to the surface again, and as the fool that I am, I start crying in front of the class.

I see some people videoing and more laughing so i do the only thing I can do, I run out of the class and to the library.

I then sit at the back and cry my eyes out. I don't know why this always happens to me. By the time I get over my crying state, its already break time.

'I might as well get something to eat. I mean, it can't get any worse, right?'

I say to myself and head over to the cafeteria. As I enter, everyone starts to shout "Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby!"

I feel my tears threatening to spill again but I know I would rather die than cry in front of them again so I turn to leave but then I see Maddy, Chloe and Amy standing in the way.

"Going so soon, crybaby? Come on, give us another show. I mean, you're growing more popular every minute, 300k views already.." She says wickedly laughing.

I decide to just ignore her and reach for the door. As I open the door, a bucket of water falls down and lands right on my head. It turns out it isn't just normal water, it's the water the janitor uses to wash the toilets. Oh goddd. I shouldn't have come here in the first place. That's when I notice Kooper laughing with the people who are laughing at me. I always thought deep inside, he actually valued me as a sister and the whole 'i hate u' stuff was just a phase, like mine but it turns out I was wrong.

"Kooper.....?" I say while everyones still laughing.

"Kathy, don't say my name. Im just tired of your shit. Not only me, everyone's tired of your shit, including mom and dad. They always tell me. Truth is I'm fucking ashamed of being related to you." Kooper says and leaves the cafeteria.

"Just in case your ears failed you, no one cares about you, not even your own blood. Take it from us, just G..T..F" Maddy says and leaves.

"And also, for your information, gtf means get the fuck out of our school, and most importantly, our lives." Chloe says and leaves with Amy following close behind.

Then the bell rings, and everyone soon leaves using the second entrance as the one I'm standing in is covered in toilet water.

I'm just static, after everything I just heard, I have nothing to do except run. Like they said, out of their school and out of their lives.

I run all the way home and take an extra long shower to remove all the stench from the toilet water fiasco. Then I throw some old clothes on and sit down on my bed to think.

I can't believe that even my parents said they're tired of me. They probably regret giving birth to me, like I'm a mistake.

They want me to get out of their house right, oh, I'll do that. I'll do just that. Then I remember my aunt Vivian who i always thought was a bit too edgy for me so I never talked to her or got close to her. She's in a gang or so I hear, but now that I think about it, she's actually very nice. And she's just the person I need if I wanna just disappear for a few years.

I pack my bags and leave a note saying 'You're tired of my shit right? Well, now you don't have to worry about me. I'll be just fine. Don't look for me.' Then I leave.

By the time I'm able to find my way to my aunt's house, the time says 4pm. Wow, the house has really changed since the last time I was here.

(Aunt Vivian's house👇)

Yeah, she doesn't really like big houses because she would be the only one living in them

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Yeah, she doesn't really like big houses because she would be the only one living in them.

I walk up to the door and knock. After a while of me knocking, the door finally opens and I see my aunt, more tattoos, more piercings, even the interior of the house looks different. I wonder what business she's doing.

"hey aunt Vivian, how have you been?"

"K.D...., I've been fine, how are you? And what brings you to my house.....alone?" She says using the nickname she has always called me since my childhood.

"I'm also fine. I'm actually looking for a place to stay for a while."

"A place to stay? For how long?"

"I don't know, maybe a year or 2, until I'm ready to go back to the shithole I call home"

"Hmm, why don't you come in and you can tell me all about it."

I grab my stuff and move inside. She leads me to the sitting room where I sit on the couch as she throws me a soda. I'm caught off guard so it drops to the floor with a loud thud.

"Your gonna have to learn how to catch if you wanna stay with me." She says jokingly. Then continues "Now, tell me about what happened"

I tell her everything from the bullying to the toilet water to my parents, everything.

"Wow, you've been through shit. But the solution to your problem isn't dissapearing, the solution is getting tougher. Getting stronger and proving that you don't give a fuck about what they say is what you need." She says and I actually find sense in what she says. Yeah, I'm gonna be badder, stronger and tougher and they'll all think twice before messing with me.

"I understand, but can I please stay here? I can't go back, not for now, at least."

"Yeah, sure, but you're gonna have to pay me back somehow." She says grinning.


"By joining my gang."


A/N: heyy, I hope you're enjoying the book. If you have any complaints or suggestions, feel free to comment. And don't forget to vote and follow me.


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