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*Tyrone's POV*

"K.D!" I shout as I see her get shot to the ground while protecting Ryan.

I run to her direction as fast as I can and hold her in my arms. Fuck fuck fuck.

"K.D, stay with me. C'mon don't give up. Breathe. Breathe." I try to encourage her while using my hands to stop the blood coming from her chest. It doesn't seem to work though which just makes me panic more.

I look around for help and see Ryan not moving probably in shock and the rest of the gang on their way out as well.

They run as fast as they can and meet us in a second.

"Oh my God, K.D! What happened? Who did this?" Khloe says using her hands to try and stop the blood as well.

"Damion. He was trying to shoot me...and she came in the way." Ryan says finally finding his voice.

"Fuck. K.D, you can't leave me. Get the hell up." Khloe shouts while in tears and Rodney pulls her up trying to make her stable.

K.D finally makes a movement with her eyes and tries to talk. "See you on the other side guys." she says with a smirk then closes her eyes.

No. No.

"We need to get her to the hospital." I say and get no response.

"Ryan, Rodney, Hospital, Now!" I shout and they immediately snap out of their trance and help me get K.D into Ryan's car nearby.

As we enter the car, I hold her in my arms at the backseat while Ryan while Ryan drives the car and Khloe sits in the passenger seat. Rodney, Xander and Calvin are also driving in Rodney's car.

"K.D, come on, don't give up." I keep repeating again and again running my hands through her long black straight hair. It doesn't seem to help much though so I do the only other possible thing; urge Ryan to drive faster.

Minutes later, we finally reach the state hospital where she is put on a stretcher and rushed to the ICU.

"Fortunately, we've been able to successfully remove the bullet from her chest and get her out of danger." The doctor says after a long while of us waiting outside the emergency room.
Everybody immediately relaxes at that.

Instinctively without thinking, I ask "So is she awake? Can I see her?"

"You? Why should you be the first to see her? I wanna see her first." Ryan says and I frown.

"No, none of you douchebags are going to see her first. She's my best friend so I believe it's my right."

"Umm... unfortunately no, none of you can see or talk to her. She's in a coma." He states and we all stop bickering for a second.

"A c-c-coma?" Khloe stutters.

"A coma isn't bad. My mum was in a coma once and woke up in a day. She's gonna wake up tomorrow. Yeah." I say nodding my head trying to assure myself that everything's gonna be alright.

"I don't think so." The doctor says. "Coma's are very indefinite and very spontaneous. Judging from the extent of the shot, it's a miracle she's still alive. Sincerely, I don't think she's gonna wake up any time soon."

"What-What do you mean no time soon? She'll wake up in like a week or two right?" Ryan then walks up to the doctor and starts shaking him rigorously. "Right?!!"

"Now, all we can do is hope." The doctor then removes Ryan's hand from his shoulder and walks off leaving us all dumbfounded and crushed.

My heart feels shattered and my soul feels lost.

How the hell am I gonna survive without her?

*K.D's POV*


Just freaking darkness. Ironic, really.

I roam around the deafening silence for what feels like eternity before finally deciding to break it.

"Yooo. Am I dead?" I yell into the darkness knowing fully well no one can hear me.

At least that's what I thought until I spot a figure appear from far away.

"You Jesus or Lucifer?" I ask sarcastically.

Don't blame me. If I'm in hell, they should inform me so I can mentally prepare myself for the eternal fire...or whatever.

As the person comes closer, I realize it's a woman. I take more steps towards her and stop dead in my tracks.

"Mom." I say.

"Kathy." She holds out her hands and I run towards her, pulling her in for a tight hug while she caresses my back sending a wave of warmth through it.

I know I act this big tough girl but the truth is, I'm still a sucker for my mum. Always has been. Always will be. There's no amount of walls I can put up that will change that. She'll always have a hold on me.

We stay in each other's arms for a while until I break the silence.

"Firstly," I pull away from her, "It's K.D now and secondly, I'm definitely dead, aren't I?"

I chuckle as I say those words; a tear threatening to spill from my eye but I blink multiple times to prevent any form of crying shenanigans.

"Well, my dear, you're in limbo. The tiny partition between life and death."

I roll my eyes.

You've gotta be kidding me. This is some real life Legacies shit, isn't it?

"So why am I here?" I ask raising a brow.

If I was supposed to be dead, I was ready and if it turns out to be the opposite, screw it; I was ready for that too but who's idea was it to put me in the middle?!

"I was sent because apparently, we have unfinished business to sort out and they beleive this is the best way to talk about everything."

Who the fuck are 'they?'

I decide not to ask in order to make an effort to mind my own business. Two years ago, curiousity would have ended up getting the best of me; later ending in trouble but now, to be very honest; I don't give a damn about whoever is giving orders to Mom.

Probably Jesus or something cuz I'm pretty sure she made it to heaven.

"I don't follow." I state sincerely. I truthfully don't understand whatever she's saying.

I mean, I wasn't there when she died but other than that, there isn't any more business we left unfinished.

"K.D, it's time I told you how I died."


Gurdd. One half finished. This was so freaking hard cuz I have no idea what death looks like. Legacies helped though. Lol.

Oh and at the top of the chapter is Tate McRae's new song. Y'all should totally check it out! I'm obsessed with it rn.

And yes, I'm totally writing all of this to increase the word count, Incase you were wondering.

Anyways, you know the drill. Vote and shit.

Stay woke!

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