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*Tyrone's POV*

It's been a month now and K.D still hasn't woken up. I have felt my lifeline diminish little by little every one of those passing days.

One time, I even found myself intentionally drowning in that lake she found trying my hardest to pull myself under till I realized how incredibly selfish it was.

Everyone was already 101% worried about K.D. I couldn't get them worried about me too.

From that moment onwards, I promised myself that I would never again try to commit suicide as it was far too unfair to those I hold dear.

Life had gone on as usual though. Everyone in school was minding their own business and facing their own problems.

Khloe had visited K.D every single day bringing her all of her favorite things and talking about all of the new drama at school. In my opinion, she was the greatest best friend anyone could have.

Ryan went there every few days but hasn't been in school either. He's just been sulking and smoking like the coward he is. It's pathetic really that he couldn't strive to spend every moment with the one who saved his life.

I have also been going to see her every three days but unlike Ryan, I don't spend my spare hours smoking pot. I just go swimming at the lake she found or sit and stare at the stars. They remind me of her; her big dark eyes that one could get lost in; her long black hair that has started to lose texture over this past month; her plump pink lips that one could continue to kiss and never get tired of; her fit body shape and her magnificent ass. Lord knows what kind of wizardry she performed to make me this hooked on her.

It was really unlike me.

Surprisingly, even Fiona and Victoria had come to check on her once or twice. They're not really bad people, I guess.

Xander and Calvin are fine though; they check up on her from time to time and that's fine. I just think they should do more.

Today being a Saturday is a common day where we all go to visit her. Most of them just go there because they're bored and have nothing to do at home which I think is extremely shitty to do by the way.

She deserves way more than a bunch of people who are only there because they wanna kill time, to be very honest.


I raise my hand to my phone to check the time.

9:07 am.

I should start getting ready.

"Hey bro." Rodney says as he steps into my room wearing a robe. His hair is still very wet meaning he just got out of the shower. "You ready yet? I was thinking we could go together."

"No. I'll probably spend a lotta time getting ready and dressed. You go on without me. I'll catch up later."

I really don't wanna go with him as he's gonna spend time picking up Khloe and Xander. If I'm gonna see her, I wanna be as early as possible.

"Alright man, see you later." Rodney says and walks out.

I quickly take a shower and change into a leather jacket and some dark jeans before hopping into my Toyota jeep and heading to the hospital.

On getting to get room, I spot Ryan sitting on one of the chairs next to her bed. My eyes instantly turn to her direction noticing how elegant she looks.

I stare at her for a while until a sound jerks me back to reality. It was a cough from Ryan.

"You stare too much." He states.

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