Tough Ride

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After a while, I find myself in the back of my favorite bar; holding 2 vodka's in both hands.

You can't really blame me for getting totally and completely drunk tonight. It really was my fault and there's no covering that.

Even though I know getting drunk isn't the answer, it sure would help me get away from the overthinking.

Also, I know Ryan is the only one who would know where I am at the moment; and the only reason he hasn't come to find me is because he knows what I need right now is space.

As I empty the first bottle of vodka, a thought pops through my drunken mind; Why not call Tyrone?

And the answer to that question remains Why not?

So I pick up the phone and dial his number. He answers on the second ring.

"Heyyyyy Tyyyy" I slur.

"Ty?" he asks.

"Yep, where are youuuu?"

"At home, where you should be; how much have you had to drink?" he asks.

"2 bottles of vodka?" I answer.

"Wow, I'm surprised your still standing, Im on my way..." And he hangs up before I could say he should bring pancakes.

Oh, did I mention I could die for a good pancake? Well now I did.

After some time, he arrives and I find myself in the passenger seat of his black porsche.

"You know you weren't responsible for what happened back there right?" he tries to reassure me.

"Oh yeah I know, thats why I just downed 2 bottles of vodka; cuz I'm not responsible". I slur sarcastically.

"Ha Ha, very funny." he replies before saying "Everyone was really worried when you left".

"Especiallyyyy you right?" I ask and gulp.

"I never said that."

"Don't think I didn't miss t-h-eee look you gaveee meee when I kissed Ryannn..."

"We should get you home." he says dodging my statement. Not this time.

"Yep, you felt jealous, didn't you? Yeppp, youuu did!" I say.

"Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't, you'll never know." he says smirking.

"Wanna bett?"

"How do you possibly wanna win this kind of bet?" he asks. Well, I do love a challenge.

"Like this..." I say climbing onto his lap "and this..." I say grabbing his collar straddling him "and finally..this." I say as I give him one of my amazing kisses.

Wow, he's surprisingly good at this. I insert my hands through his hair as he moves his hands from my waist to my ass. I feel a long moment of bliss as we kiss, forgetting all my problems just for a second.

After some minutes, I pull away.

"I win. You like me." I say as I open the door and stagger in the direction of my car leaving a very confused but amused look on his face.

What I live for.

"Ugh, my head hurts..."

I look down and find myself in my room.

"Wait, this isn't my room." I say after I take a closer look.

"Yeah, its mine." Ryan says coming into the room.

"How the fuck did I get here?" I say softly, my head still hurting a whole lot.

"Well, after your meltdown yesterday, I take it you went to your favorite bar and drank a whole lot cuz I woke up in the middle of the night and found you passed out after parking your car in my driveway." he explains.

Forever Badassحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن