Tyrone's Thoughts

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Tyrone POV

It's finally Monday and now I can start the stupid mission. I climb off the bed and get ready for school.

"Hey Ty, you ready yet? We're gonna be late." Rodney says while knocking on my door loudly.

"I'll be out in just a minute" I reply and lace up my black biker boots.

Once done, I signal Rodney and walk to the driver seat of my car. We decided to take my black sports car to this new school.

We get to the school a little after 8. It surprisingly isn't even far from the house.

As Rodney and I walk out of the car, we see a group of geeks walk towards us looking a little scared.

"Don't park there." One of them says and it takes us about a minute to understand what they are talking about.

"What?" Rodney asks.

"Don't park your car there; if you wanna live, that is."

"What do you mean by that? Does some kind of gang own this space or something?" Rodney asks again.

"Yeah, something like that. A girl called K.D and her little group of friends park here and they're really dangerous." he pauses then continues while pointing to places in-between "They either park in these 3 spaces or those 3 spaces, so no one parks there cuz we don't wanna get hurt." another geek says.

This K.D girl really is something. She can't really be that dangerous, could she?

Normally, I would have stayed in her parking space and found out, but due to the fact that I'm literally tryna get her to love me, I find another space and park my car there.

Wouldn't wanna get on her nerves on her first day.

Rodney and I walk through the halls of Seville High and head for the reception. We get our schedules and stuff and thanks to a few bribes and threats from Finn, I ended up getting all the classes where she doesn't have any of her friends with her.

Typical Finn.

All the periods before break move fast as I don't have any class with her, but during third period, Rodney texted me that he had seen her and she really lived up to her reputation in this school, and I just smirked and put the phone away.

I mean, how bad could a girl be?

The answer to that question was easily answered when I saw her walk into the cafeteria.

She had this confidence and aura about her, it was really intriguing.

She had long black hair and wore an all black outfit. I mean, anyone who saw her would immediately get the idea that she ran this school.

Fuck, she was hot.

I saw her walk around for a while probably searching for a table and then within a blink of an eye, she was holding a gun to some blonde chicks forehead.

"Holy shit, is she really gonna kill that chick?" Rodney asks and I give him no reply.

Then I see some brown haired guy hold her waist, whisper something into her ear and she lowers the gun. Are they dating? If they are, then fuck, this is gonna be ten times harder.

After the blonde chick leaves, she and her friends sit with her sitting on the guys lap.

I then see Rodney walking over and Immediately follow him.

"Hey K.D" Rodney says and introduces me to her while we take a seat on their table.

Now that I'm this close to her, I notice she has black eyes that contain a lot of darkness. As she sits on ; who I now recognize as Ryan; she looks insanely hot.

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