Fuck School

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I wake up to the sound of my stupid alarm. I'm a very light sleeper now, taught by the gang Incase of night watches or any emergencies.

I look over and see it's already 7am; Shit, well it's good to be late right?

I connect my phone to the speakers and start playing CRZY by Kehlani. I still love her, that hasn't changed and can never.

I walk over to my bathroom and have a good bath, brush my teeth, style my hair (and by styling, I mean just brush it down); what can I say? Didn't have time for lessons, then I put on my outfit for the day and do some slight makeup, just mascara. I didn't wanna do much because of the outfit.

I wanted to hide my face so it can be a dramatic reveal. I don't know, I just love drama.

(Her outfit)

I wanted to go simple with my look cuz it's just the first day

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I wanted to go simple with my look cuz it's just the first day. So many more days are gonna come. I think with a big smirk on my face.

I then take my phone and equip my weapons into my outfit before I head down the stairs to see Xander in a tight fitted t-shirt, black trousers and a black leather jacket. I don't really do compliments but I just wanted to give him one cuz he deserved it, I guess.

"Wow, you look....gay" I said with a smirk giving myself a mental slap. Gay?? Well, I blame me for wanting to pass a compliment.

"Thanks?" Xander says and chuckles. "Well, you look ready to slaughter some unlucky people" he says

"That's what I live for" I say and smirk.

After much waste of time chatting and me almost breaking his balls, I decide to take black Lambo to school and he being very lazy to drive decided to go with me.

I said No at first but then he said he would give me 1 thing I want and what better to ask than a treat to KFC, mostly because Im starving and I know I'm gonna be busy at the cafeteria, probably beating some people up so I think it's better to just eat now.

(Her car👇)

When we got there, I just ordered some fries

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When we got there, I just ordered some fries. I remembered that I had to maintain my weight. As I was eating, Xander was just asking some stupid questions like 'whats your favorite color?' or 'who do you love?' I didn't answer the first cuz I think it's obvious and for the second, who better to say than myself? I mean, I thought about it but didn't find anyone deserving of my love other than me.

After that question, I didn't answer anything more and gave Xander a look that said 'If you ask me 1 more question, I'll cut your dick off and shove it down your throat, that way, you can do and also feel the experience of a blowjob' and then he shut up and gave me a look that said 'What are you?' hmm, I'm everyone's worst nightmare.

We got to school, collected our schedules, found our lockers and made our way to class. Turns out we had every class together apart from Math, Calculus and Art.

Speaking from experience, math was the class I needed him most but then I smirked when I saw math was what I had now in my schedule. Time for a little drama!

I made my way to door 212 where math class was being held and kicked the door open. Everyone's attention was on me and the teacher looked furious. Oh well, I thought.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked sternly getting me pissed.

"Same reason why you're bald" I said with a straight face. I ignored the teacher sending me looks with daggers and went to the left back of the class where I love to sit mainly cuz of the window. As I got there, I saw a nerd guy sitting in my seat and smirked.

"Hey...your in my seat" I said plainly.

"No, I'm not, you just came to this school today, how can I be in your seat, you don't have a seat yet...." He said and continued ranting on and on. Big mistake. I really didn't wanna talk too much so I just took out my knife from it's guard and held it against his neck.

"Now, do you wanna get up or do u wanna feel sorry for not getting up?" I said plainly and sure as hell, he stood up and ran to another seat. Before he left though, I made sure I made a mark in his neck with my knife to ensure he doesn't mess with me again.

Then the idiot teacher spoke.

"Hey, rude girl, detention after school!" He said loudly.

"Hey, idiot man, it's K.D!" I shouted back to shut him up.

After a whole lotta glares, grins and insults, the fucking bell rang.

It's Break! I smirked and went out of the class, met up with Xander and made my way into the cafeteria. As we were going, I heard many groups of people saying shit like

'Who are they?'

'They must be new'

'Wow, she's hot'

'Im gonna get his number first'

'Wait till Maddy sees them. They'll be dealt with'

That last one got my attention and I smirked again. One person is gonna be dealt with and it sure as hell aint gonna be me.

Sorry for the late update. What can I say except for school's a bitch. Period. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and please comment and vote.


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