Murder Deal

38 4 1

Monday Morning...

*Unknown POV*

I wonder if Tyrone's making any progress with the mission. I mean it's been a few weeks. There should be results by now. I should call Tyrone.

Instinctively, I dial his number but get no reply. Weird, maybe he's busy with the mission. I should call Rodney instead.

He picks up on the second ring and yawns. It isn't that early, is it?

"Hey Finn, what's up?" He says and I flinch at the use of the informal language. I'll let it slide though.

"I just wanted to check in on the mission. Where's Tyrone? He's not picking up his phone."

"He's asleep, he came home very late last night."

"Any idea why?" I ask curiously.

"Um...I think he tried to take K.D out, to try and soften her or something."

"Any progress?"

"Not really, there's this guy here who she's really attached to. But I'm sure Ty will handle it. He always does."

"The guy in question; what's his name?"

If some guy is preventing me from succeeding, he's gonna have to go.

"Finn, what are you thinking of doing? Tyrone's got this, seriously."

"Rodney. What's. His. Name." I ask sternly.

"Ryan Eastwood, I think."

"Thanks Rodney." I say and hang up. No one's gonna prevent me from acheiving my goal.

I pick up the telephone and call the front desk. They answer almost immediately and I tell them to get me all the information on this Ryan guy.

Sooner or later, I will overcome this obstacle.

*Tyrone's POV*

"Where have you been?" Rodney asks as I open my eyes a little.

Ugh, I feel so fucking tired.

You see, after K.D's statement on not being able to continue with our insanely weird relationship, she walked out on me and demanded I take her back home.

The irony is that I don't feel like this is a game anymore. I've started to feel extreme jealousy seeing her with Ryan and I have no idea how to deal with it. When she looks at me, I feel this rush of adrenaline and what I want the most in the world is to make her mine, only mine; no one else's.

The feeling is surreal actually and I don't know what I'd do if I were to ever see her in trouble of any sorts. The only thing I'm really sure of right now is that I'm gonna do whatever it takes to win her over.

"Was with K.D, no progress." I shake my head.

"How come?" Rodney asks.

"We were about to get somewhere until she remembered Ryan and cut it off. I still have hope though, no worries."

Rodney nods his head.

"What's up with you and Khloe though?" I ask. At least one relationship should go smoothly.

"Good actually, I'm planning on asking her on a date today. Wish me luck." He says silently praying that she accepts.

"You've got this." I say patting his back twice and heading over to the bathroom to get ready for school.

*K.D's POV*

(K.D's pic)

D's pic)

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