Who's He?

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It's fucking Monday morning. Ugh! Like seriously, why can't it just be part of the weekend. Well, I guess that would make Tuesday the new Monday then.

Fuck, all days should be the weekend.

I then hear the alarm on my phone ring at 7am. I'm already awake, you bitch of a phone.

I woke up early today surprisingly. Guess my body had it's fair share of sleep and got tired or maybe doors were just being shut and open all night thanks to Xander.

They might've had a fight. Shit.

I get up and do my normal daily routine of brushing and taking a shower. I then dress up and do a little makeup.

 I then dress up and do a little makeup

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It's getting a little hot so I decide to go armless

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It's getting a little hot so I decide to go armless.

Oh well, let's go see what's up with the gay couple.

I walk across the hall to Xander's room and when I open the door, I see him laying on the bed with his eyes staring at the ceiling. Oh my Fuck, this is serious.

"Hey X, how's it going?"

"We umm had a fight."Xander says still staring up.

"What caused it?" I ask.

"Well, let's just say, he doesn't fully trust me. He thinks I cheated when I actually didn't. All because I got a little drunk with Dexter."

"Who's Dexter?" I ask.

"A guy who goes to my Biology class. he's gay."

"And your sure there's nothing else?"

"Yeah, I really don't know why he doesn't trust me, I mean, just because I'm not hanging out with him doesn't mean I'm screwing someone else." he says with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him. He'll come around." I say assuringly.

"I hope." Xander says. Okay, I'm done with this sob story.

"Okay, we're gonna deal with this, but for now, you're gonna get up with your lazy ass, wear some badass clothes and Harley Davidson with me all the way to school. Got it?" I say sternly.

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