Mission Impossible

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"My best memory of her...was when I got into a lot of trouble with a group of guys because I beat their asses in a race. She swooped in at the right moment and beat them all up with no weapons whatsoever and the best thing was I didn't even know her at the time. We had only talked once. That's when I knew she was my ride or die." From the voice, I can already tell its Khloe. I smile as I recall that memory too.

"My best memory has got to be when I took her out for ice cream once and the guy gave her strawberry instead of vanilla. She threw up so much I thought she had taken 5 bottles of whiskey." Ryan says and everyone starts laughing so hard.

I was struggling so much to keep my laughter in until I just couldn't anymore. Once I let out a sound, I knew the jig was up so I just rose from my bed and started my own fits of laughter. Their jaws literally dropped to the ground as they looked at me.

Firstly, because I was awake and secondly, because I was laughing. Now that isn't a sight you see everyday.

All of a sudden, the place where I was shot started to hurt and a lot of pain shot through out that area. I clenched to my chest in agony trying to reduce the pain but that only made it worse.

Khloe noticed and ran to get the doctor. The nurses then sent everyone out while the doctor removed the bandage on my wound, applied some ointment and informed the nurses to apply a new bandage.

"Ryan. I need to speak to Ryan." I called out as the doctor was about to open the door, probably to inform the rest about what happened.

"Sure. We'll get you Ryan. Just get some rest, okay?" A kindhearted nurse said and I nodded my head.

Due to the fact that my bed was close to the door, I could hear their entire conversation.

"How is she?" Tyrone asked.

"What happened?" Khloe asked.

"Well she's fine and stable now. What she experienced was just a slight reaction as a result of the shot. A little rest and she'll be back to full health in no time." the doctor assured.

I don't have time to rest. I've got a mission to do.

"Oh that's a relief. Can we see her now?"

"Actually she called for Ryan."

"Really?" Tyrone asked and the hurt was evident in his voice.

I feel bad but I have no time for romance. I can't afford any form of distraction at this point.

"Hey." Ryan says walking into my room. "How are you feeling?"

"How does it look like I'm feeling?" I reply sarcastically.

"Dumb question, sorry." he says rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Why did you take the bullet for me?"

"Because I care about you." I answer honestly.

"Is it just that?" he asks looking down.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you just care or is it more than that?"

Honestly, I have no idea.

I dodge the question by saying "Ryan, let's talk about this later, okay? We have a kidnapping to carry out."

"I'm guessing you mean Damion. We got some information about him two weeks ago."

Two weeks ago!!!

"How long was I out?"

"A month."

What the actual fuck? A freaking month.

Time really does fly.

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