Damion (I)

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So I guess for you to understand from this point, I'm gonna have to explain a few things.

Remember when I first became the new me and I said my mum died, well turns out it really did affect me at the time. Isabel and Joe; being the best friends that they are taught me how to deal with the pain.

I became the most stone hearted that I've ever been. That was around the time when I met Ryan. He comforted me at the time and as a result of the anguish I was feeling, we developed a relationship.

After a while of dedication to the gang, We met another upcoming gang called Hell's Syndicates. They had just been formed about a year before and after a while, they developed a strong hatred for the Serpents.

Being the strong gang that we were, we accepted their challenge and took it as a training of some sort. I felt they were fools actually for thinking they had the potential to take down a gang as strong as us.

At the time, I was still silently mourning the death of my mum so I was emotionally unstable.

When the day finally came for our attack, I was at the front line and the slightest chance I got, I used and sliced their gang leaders head off in his office.

Since I was free, I used the time to go through their files and find out some information on this new gang, instead I saw something that would forever haunt me till this day.

My mother didn't die from stress or any of that bullshit. A guy named Damion Salvatore killed her as his initiation into this idiotic gang.

They thought I would have been weak because of this and they would easily infiltrate the Serpents.

Oh hell no.

The anger I felt was undeniably the strongest ever.

Being the K.D I was, I took it upon myself to track this guy down. The entire gang even tried to track him down but at the time, he had gone completely off-grid.

A few days before I had to go back to Seville, the gang got reports of a new gang coming to light all of a sudden. We infiltrated the gang with a spy and found out that the supposed Damion had started another gang which was way more experienced and populated than the other one.

They called themselves Serpent Hunters who's main mission was to have revenge on us (mostly me) for killing their late ex - leader.

When we found out their main location, I acted upon instinct and walked right into it thinking I could manage it alone whereas I almost got myself killed. Thankfully, Ryan and Joe found out where I went and called backup.

I then knew that their gang was really not like before and for the first time, I was uncertain that I would complete my own mission; revenge on the one who killed my mum.

After that encounter, the authorities ordered me to not make any move on them, instead be patient and wait for them to make a move first.

Well, I guess today's the day.

"Well, Well, Well, we meet again, K.D" Damion says and I feel my blood boiling in anger.

'This is not the time to be angry, this is the time to outsmart him and get payback' I thought to myself.

"Damion..." I started to say but got cut off by none other than Maddy. This bitch just doesn't know when to shut the hell up.

"Who the fuck are you?" She yells with her stupid high pitched shit of a voice.

"I'm Damion; the one who may or may not be responsible for your death." He says and almost everyone gasps before he continues "Now in order to conduct this in an orderly manner, I would really appreciate it if you all put down all forms of electronics and bags and face down on the floor. This will all be over in a minute" he says and orders his gang members to ensure it is done.

I mentally did a rough count and assumed about twenty altogether. This is gonna be real tough.

Amongst all the ruckus of people moving and dropping their bags, I signaled Ryan with the back of my hand to call for backup. I also mentally scanned what i could use to defend myself across the room.

I had my gold gun in my bag, the knife hidden in my back pocket, the butchers knife on the cafeteria counter and maybe if Ryan or Xander brought their weapons with them, we would have a chance.

After everyone except the people on my table had gone face down on the floor, Maddy decided to open her bitchy mouth again.

"You know there are teachers and authorities in this school, they probably know all about this and have called the police by now. You most likely have about 5 minutes before they barge through those doors" she said.

"Babe, if you think we hadn't made all the security measures possible before we came in here, you're highly mistaken." he said and her excited look turned into a scared look before she faced down again.

As if things couldn't get any worse, a girl's phone started ringing. Damion's gang member noticed the girl and brought out the phone from her pocket. He checked the caller and found out she had called the police. He was probably new and didn't want to get in trouble so he hyperventilated and made a very bug mistake.

He shot her.

He just fucking shot her.

Okay, fuck patience, this bitch is going down.

Chapter 16? Aced.
I hope you all now understand Damion's part of the story. I know it seemed kind of rough and sudden but you'll all get to know why it was needed soon enough.
btw, his pic is at the top of the chapter.
don't forget to vote and give me a follow!


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