013 | the magistrate

Start from the beginning

The jedi looked down at the child wuth her brows furrowed, almost like she couldn't understand his thoughts.

'Someone took him from the temple and then his memory becomes dark," she explained, her voice trailing off at the end, "He seemed lost, alone,"

She could tell that from the look between Allana and Mando at the idea of rhe child having a dark past that they were worried about him.

"I've only known one other being like this, a wise jedi master names Yoda," Ahsoka explained.

"Yoda, little green man who spoke backwards," she exclaimed, the group all looking at her. She gave them a sheepish smile when she noticed their looks of confusion, "Sorry, my friend Luke talked about him,"

"The force is what gives him his power, it is an energy field made of all living species," Ahsoka continued to explain after Allanas interruption.

"I've seen him do things I can never explain, I was tasked to bring him go a Jedi," Mando explained.

He seemed confused at Ahsoka avoiding the subject of the child, almost as if she wouldn't train him.

"The jedi order fell a long time ago," Ahsoka stated.

"So did the empire yet they still hunt him" Allana said, shaking her head as she looked at the child, "He needs your help,"

Ahsoka sighed almost reluctantly,"Let him sleep. I'll test him in the morning," she said.


THE MORNING CAME FAST AND Allana and Mando stood in the bright light if the forest while Ahsoka tried to test the child.

Grogu wasn't too happy ith the idea, preferring to gigglr to himself thsn actually try and use the force. Ahsoka sighed, looking at the duo.

"Come over here," she said, pointing at Din when she noticed his reluctance, "You, Mandalorian. I want to see if he will listen to you,"

"That will be a first," he said almost sarcastcially as he walked over.

"Good or bad, they're always memorable," Ahsoka said with a smile. She handed him a stone and told him to hold it out for him.

He held the stone out, saying the child's name and tryinf to get him to come grab it but it wasn't working. He sighed, clecnhing his fist as he looked back at Ahsoka.

"I told you, he's stubborn," he said, turning to Allana, "Why doesn't Lana tey?"

"Connect with him, you're the first person he remembers," Ahsoka explained.

Mando sighed as he thought back to the day he had saved the child. He was only small and Mando wasn't going to let them take the child and kill him - he made the right decision saving him that day.

He pulled out the small metal ball that the child liked so much and held it out in his hand. In an instant, the child reached his hand out and grabbed the ball wirh the force.

Mando let out a small cheer, him and Allana high diving at the child's success before they turned to him. Grogu seemed excited that he had had succeeded, a smile on his face.

"I knew you could do it," Mando said and Allana could hear the smile on his face.

"Hes formed a strong attactchmnt to the two of you," Ahsoka stated, shaking her head, "I can't train him,"

They both looked at her shocked at the statement. He had just done so well and completed her tests and she wasn't goingto train him. It didn't make any else.

"What? Why not?" Allana questioned, brows furrowed. She couldn't believe that they'd come all this way for nothing.

"His attachment to the two of you makes him vulnerable to his fears," she explained, shaking her head, "I've seen what that can do to two amazing jedi Knight, to the best of us,"

There was silence as they thought about it. They were going to have to find some other jedi to train him, Grogu belonged with his own kind.

"I've delayed too long, I must get back to the village," Ahsoka said.

Mando stepped in front of her, "The magistrate sent me to kill you, I will help you with your problem if you make sure he is properly trained,"


MANDO DECIDED SOMEBODY HAD TO stay and look after Grogu so she waited on the ship for him and Ahoska to defeat the magistrate.

She was nervous about it all, nervous about how the fight would go, nervous about who was going to train the child

When she heard his voice announcing that it was safe for them to come out now, she walked outside with the child in her arms, looking at Mando and Ahsoka as they walked through the now open gates.

She could hear the cheers of the liberated people and couldn't help but smile.

Ahsoka held out the beskar staff to Mando, a smile on her face, "This belongs with a mandalorian," she stated.

He nodded, taking it from her. He didn't know what to say now, he needed someone to train the child - Grogu - to complete his mission.

"Before you go," Ahsoka said to Allana, "The dathomrian night sisters had similar powers to you. They were all slaughtered during the clone wars. You must be the last of their line,"

"Thank you, for everything," Allana said, trying not to sound too bitter.

"I cannot train him," the woman said and Mando shook his head in annoyance.

"You made me a promise, and I held up my end," He said, the three stopping just outside of the ramp onto the ship.

"There I one possibility, go to Tython. It has stone connections with the force," she explained "If you place him on the seeing stone and a jedi senss his presence and comes searching for him, then he will choose his path,"

"May the force be wirh you," she said and they nodded.

"And you," Allana said as they walked up the ramp, ready to find the child his home.

1409 words

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